Securing Sustainability The programming exercise in Burgenland OPEN DAYS 2005 Katharina Kaitan EU – Managing Authority Regional Government of Burgenland Europaplatz 1 A Eisenstadt Tel.:
2 Overview I.Burgenland II.The three Phases of the Programming Exercise III. The Organizational Framework IV. Securing Sustainability V. Concluding remarks
3 BURGENLAND 2000 – 2006
4 Burgenland Aims: I.To develop Burgenland into a modern Central European Region II.To prepare Burgenland for enlargement of the EU III.To reduce the internal disparities within Burgenland
5 Burgenland Funds: 283 Mio Euro 64 % ERDF, 20 % ESF, 16 % EAGGF/FIFG 4 Priorities: 1.Business and Industry 2.Research, Technology and Development 3.Tourism and Culture 4.Agriculture, Forestry, Nature Protection and Fisheries 5.Human Resources
6 Three phases of the programming exercise 1.Positioning: Start of the process: February 2004 – Position paper 2.STRAT.AT: Working on the NSRF (STRAT.AT ) 3.OP Burgenland: Developing the Operational Programme
7 The organisational framework Phasing in (out)Territorial cooperation Managing TROIKA Managing Authority/Europe Office/Regionalmanagement Brussels Liaison Office Governor Political consultants Coordination level Working group level Political level
8 2. Phase STRAT.AT Phasing in (out)Territorial cooperation Managing TROIKA Managing Authority/Europe Office/Regionalmanagement Brussels Liaison Office Governor Political consultants STRAT.AT ÖROK Workshops
9 Securing Sustainability Business and industry – competition NMS Tourism –improving quality Infrastructure – connections to TEN Qualification – competitive capacity, employability Agriculture and Forestry – modernisation, renewable energy AIM: Securing past achievements and ensuring further progress
10 Concluding Remarks Multi-level approach Open participation (with small steering group) Early start