Regulatory System Impacts on Global GM Crop Adoption Patterns Savannah Gleim 1, Stuart Smyth 1, and Peter Phillips 2 1 Department of Bioresource Policy, Business and Economics, University of Saskatchewan, Canada 2 Johnson-Shoyama School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan, Canada Paper prepared for presentation at the 19 th ICABR Conference “I MPACTS OF THE B IOECONOMY ON A GRICULTURAL S USTAINABILITY, THE E NVIRONMENT AND H UMAN H EALTH ” June 17, 2015
Agenda Problem & Objective Data Results Analysis & Conclusion Gleim, Smyth & Phillips 20152
Objective Examine the global regulatory approval patterns to determine trends of GM crop commodities and traits. Gleim, Smyth & Phillips 20153
Methodolgy International Service for the Acquistition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) GMO database GMO prevalent crops: maize/corn, soybeans, canola, and cotton Compare corn approvals by type of approval, events, countries, and traits Gleim, Smyth & Phillips 20154
Data Gleim, Smyth & Phillips Crop Number of events approved Events approved for FoodFeedCultivation Canola Cotton Corn Soybean TOTAL Table 1: Approval of GM Events, Source: ISAAA 2015
Figure 1: Aggregated GM corn approvals, year & type Source: ISAAA 2015 Gleim, Smyth & Phillips Results
Figure 2: Yearly approvals for all corn events Source: ISAAA 2015 Gleim, Smyth & Phillips Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Figure 3: Corn event approvals by year Source: ISAAA 2015 Gleim, Smyth & Phillips 20158
Saturation or New Innovation ? Commercial GM traits Approving nations Leaders and followers Gleim, Smyth & Phillips 20159
Figure 4: Single and stacked GM corn trait approvals Source: ISAAA 2015 Gleim, Smyth & Phillips
Figure 5: Stacked GM corn trait approval Source: ISAAA 2015 Gleim, Smyth & Phillips
Figure 6: Country approval from Source: ISAAA 2015 Gleim, Smyth & Phillips
Figure 7: Country approval from Source: ISAAA 2015 Gleim, Smyth & Phillips
Figure 8: Country approval from Source: ISAAA 2015 Gleim, Smyth & Phillips
Figure 9: Country approval by event Source: ISAAA 2015 Gleim, Smyth & Phillips
Figure 10: Diffusion of regulatory knowledge for GM corn varieties Source: ISAAA 2015 Gleim, Smyth & Phillips
Figure 11: Diffusion of regulatory knowledge for GM corn varieties Source: ISAAA 2015 Gleim, Smyth & Phillips
Analysis Disconnect between trade approvals Strong HTIR approvals Technology diffusion outpaces science- based risk assessment National approval constraint: sharing problem or regulatory competition Gleim, Smyth & Phillips
Conclusion No clear corn trends Inefficient GM event regulations Delaying benefit gains Klümper and Qaim’s (2014) meta-analysis of GM crops quantified a 22% yield increase for GM adopters Current regulation augments food insecurity Gleim, Smyth & Phillips
Thank you! Savannah Gleim, M.Sc. -Research Assistant Department of Bioresource Policy, Business & Economics, College of Agriculture and Bioresources, University of Saskatchewan Phone Internet Gleim, Smyth & Phillips