1 Welcome to our world. The world of Rotary February, 2005 By Marilyn Mucha District 5370 Membership Chair
This is Rotary
3 In the beginning…In the beginning… First Rotary Club in Chicago in 1905, by Paul P. Harris. Rotary Founder Paul Harris The original club met for fellowship, in rotation, hence the name Rotary. Now 32,000 clubs with 1.2 million members.
4 Motto: “Service Above Self” There needed to be a purpose! RC Winnipeg, Manitoba chartered and made Rotary International. Rotary became world’s 1st “service club” First project a public washrooms in Chicago.
What does the Rotary Wheel mean? Original, wagon wheel with dust to symbolize work and action. Gear teeth added to ensure work would be done.
What does the Rotary Wheel mean? direct community & vocational Information return the ideals of Rotary back into community and business. Four blue bands represent the four avenues of service. Spokes represent classifications:
What does the Rotary Wheel mean? Key-way in center of hub is to engage the gear with the shaft. Key must be good quality and with strength to do the job
You are the Key! Members are Key..... to ensure the gear turns and works, when the shaft rotates.
9 Rotary is an International Organization Divided into 34 Zones 529 Districts, 166 countries, worldwide. D5370 covers northern Alberta, NW Saskatchewan, NE B.C. and N.W.T.
10 Rotary International governed by a President and Board of Directors, elected from around the world. Headquarters in Evanston IL. Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammer Sweden Each District selects a District Governor annually Elly Contreras Stony Plain Each Rotary Club is an autonomous group
11 A Rotary Club Charters with members 20
16 District 5370 Vocational Service Project EMPLOYABILITIES Rotary Employment Partnership Creation of meaningful employment opportunities for people with developmental disabilities.
17 District 5370 Vocational Service Project INTEGRITY AWARDS Developed by PDG Lawrie Fisher Presented to Non Rotarians who set an example for the 4 Way Test
18 Leprosy in The Dominican Republic District 5370 International Service Project
19 District 5370 International Service Projects
20 District 5370 International Service Projects BALI BLOOD BANK
21 World Community Service - Matching Grants to support the poor, in third world countries. Nutrition/feeding programs. Educational assistance. Avoidable blindness. Medical Missions. Water wells. Other International Service Projects
22 District 5370 International Service Projects The most powerful force in the promotion of international understanding and peace is exposure to different cultures through the Youth Exchange Program
23 A Rotary Club Youth Exchange Program
24 A Rotary Club Fund Raising Projects Fun for the entire family Walkathon Auctions Dance
25 Casino A Rotary Club Fund Raising Projects –Club divided into work teams. –About every 18 months. –All expected to participate or arrange for replacement –Revenue to local and International community needs.
26 Annual Auction A Rotary Club Fund Raising Projects –Big fundraising opportunity! –All members expected to participate and help with their area of interest. –Revenue could benefit local community groups who help.
27 A Rotary Club Administration Committees formed Executive prioritizes finances and projects Larger or controversial items to membership for discussion. All projects and needs are considered
28 The Rotary Foundation “World Peace through Understanding” Making the world a better place, one friendship at a time.
29 The Rotary Foundation
30 Rotary Foundation Volunteers in Action Many Rotarians volunteer their time and expertise, helping in foreign countries. All vocations are needed: - Business people - Technicians - Contractors - Agriculture - Engineers - - Teachers - Dentists - Doctors
31 Rotary Foundation Group Study Exchange - GSE Teams of 4 to 6 non-Rotarians plus a Rotarian leader 4 week exchange Rotary Foundation pays travel cost. Host Rotarians handle accommodation, local travel, vocational matching & other activities. District clubs help host visiting teams and sponsors outbound team members.
32 Rotary Foundation Group Study Exchange - GSE
33 Rotary Foundation WCS & Matching Grants World Community Service Rotarians provide humanitarian aid through Matching Grants Through a global fund and partnering with other clubs, worthy projects can receive matching grants to help finance various projects around the globe.
34 Rotary Foundation Your Charity of Choice? We depend on fundraising and member donations Many Rotarians and spouses are Benefactors of the Permanent Fund. Paul Harris Fellows with a contribution of US$1,000. (or Sustaining Member $100/yr) Goal is US$100. per member each year. 868,562 Paul Harris Fellows
35 Object of Rotary To encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise.
36 We implement the Object of Rotary through the Four Avenues of Service
37 Club Service Director Vocational Service Community Service International Service Director
39 A Rotary Club Board of Directors.. are the Four Directors and President: President-Elect: Past PresidentSecretary: Treasurer: All Rotary positions are one year terms that change July 1.
40 of the things we think, say or do 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? All members receive a certificate with this four way test, suitable for display in the home or office. THE FOUR-WAY TEST
41 The Privileges in Rotary The Privilege of... FRIENDSHIP WITH LEADERS: in your community in neighbouring cities and towns throughout North America around the world
42 The Privileges in Rotary The privilege of... GIVING SERVICE to your community. DEVELOPING INTERNATIONAL GOODWILL and UNDERSTANDING. Helping BUILD HIGHER ETHICAL STANDARDS within your vocation... through the common bond of Rotary
43 Your Obligations in Rotary Participation To be a Rotarian you must give of your time and talents: in community work in social functions in Club and District activities. Plan To Attend DISTRICT ASSEMBLY – DISTRICT CONFERENCE – RI CONVENTION –
44 Your Obligations in Rotary Attendance Attendance at the weekly meetings is a benefit and reward of Rotary. Goal 100% - Minimum 60% expected. Maintain attendance by making up at other clubs, or by attending a District event or RI Convention.
45 Your Financial Obligations Initiation Fee$ Annual Dues$ /year Meals$ /week Fines (Sergeant-at-Arms/Fun Tax) $2.00/week Social Events (Estimate) $100.00/year Approximate figures only. This will vary from club to club
46 A Rotary Club is Fun A service club should be fun even when the work is tiresome. A Rotary Club strives to be a fun, young-at- heart club. Social events are offered regularly with fellowship and laughter as the language. We live by PRIP Hugh Archer’s theme: “ Enjoy Rotary.”
47 YOU.. are Rotary Participate for: Friendship Service Fellowship Knowledge Personal Development Improved world understanding, goodwill and global peace Remember...YOU are Rotary!
48 Rotary is everywhere
49 ROTARY IS NO SECRET It’s one big happy family
50 As long as there are people in need Rotary will be there The World needs Rotary … And Rotary needs YOU.
The World needs Rotary And Rotary needs YOU
52 FIND OUT MORE at the Rotary Web Site or the District Web Site
53 It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts Coach J.Wooden