Development through Innovation in Science, Technology and Engineering Dr. Bahawodin Baha University of Brighton, UK. August 10, 2009
Content Introduction Recent and future developments in Science, technology and engineering Progress so far in Afghanistan Limited progress Main obstacles What needs to be done?
Introduction The importance of science, technology and engineering Agriculture Industry Mining Transport Telecommunication Commerce IT
Recent and future developments 20th Century: – Physics, Electronics, and High-Speed Communications and Transportation 21st Century: – Bio, Nano and information technologies are main challenges – but also Energy, Water, and Sustainability, management are important – Large scale multinational projects – ICT literate workforce is key to the success in all these development
Progress so far Limited progress has been made Computer Science and IT departments Wireless communication companies ICT has been introduced. The number of higher education institutions has been increased The number of students has been increased Some lecturers have been sent abroad
Limited progress The lack of progress to critically review the curriculum at high school, college and University levels The lack of well established labs Not enough practical work in the curriculum No major attention to improve the quality of TVE Lack of suitable plan for the whole country Sadly, most of the work is symbolic and for statistical reasons.
Main obstacles The management lacks knowledge, experience and vision The lack of suitable plan for the whole country Not enough attention to improve quality of education at all levels The lack of coordination and close collaboration between the governmental and none-governmental organizations
What is needed? Investment is needed in Science, Technology, Engineering and innovation – Improving infrastructure – Labs – Academic and technical staff – Creating a research culture Competent and experienced management is required A dynamic education system is needed The introduction of Entrepreneurship and innovation in education Scientific research must be introduced Improving Education in Science, technology and Engineering in Afghanistan will accelerate the development in the country.