Territorial cohesion: what scales for policy intervention? Bruxelles Jean Peyrony DG REGIO, Unit C2 (Urban development, territorial cohesion)
What scales for policy intervention? Overview of contributions to Green Paper Presentation outline: Definition of TC and territories What scales according to what problems: local, pluri-regional …and regional What answers from Cohesion and national policies? territorial dimension; local scale; multi level governance Support for territorial networks Understanding TC
Definition of TC What is Territorial Cohesion? (in reference to the issue «scales for policy intervention») TC equivalent to place based approach TC addresses « territories» (which can be local, regional, national, EU) NB: from now on: territory=generic term for inhabited space; region=NUTS 2; local=infra-regional TC considers differences between and within territories TC considers linkages between territories and the resulting potential for development
Definition of territories But what is a territory? Institutional approach: 3 components of a territory whatever the scale: place; people; and institutions Territory: leadership of elected representatives, accountable towards constituencies; clear delimitation, powers and resources TC is implemented by authorities cooperating within multi level territorial government; it respects subsidiarity and division of competences among different levels
Definition of territories Functional approach: NB: functional area: area with spatial interaction (commuting, services,…) between its center and surroundings linked to the center by transport systems A territory is a space in which exist connections facilitating free movement ; eg: urban region; State; European space,… European space: hierarchical settlement network of functional areas (metropolitan areas, urban areas, rural areas with services located in towns) Discrepancy between administrative divisions and functional relations is a barrier to TC TC policy should give incentives to programming policies in functional territorial arrangements
What scales according to what problems? Different territorial scales are needed to tackle different problems (EU, national, regional, local) Need to go local: regional and local actors know specific requirements of their territory democratic legitimacy of the local and regional authorities local governments are closest to citizens and SMEs
What scales according to what problems? Different local territories quoted by stakeholders: Institutional territories: cities, towns, … Functional territories: functional urban areas areas for urban-rural cooperation, linking cities/towns and rural areas mountains: local scale of valleys or plateaus metropolitan regions areas of cooperation between MRs and their surrounding rural areas, or with other MRs city networks
What scales according to what problems? Pluri-regional territories In metropolitan context, need to pay more attention to pluri-regional scales Mountain regions Solidarity and integration of policies cannot be realised within administrative borders Need of pluri regional strategy at the « massif » level (including mountain areas, valleys and piedmont areas)
What scales according to what problems? Regional level relevant: to maintain coherence of public intervention at infra/interregional and cross border/transnational levels to develop sustainable development strategy, coordinate territorial and sectoral policies to organize solidarity between urban and rural territories (eg: public services) Example of montainous regions: EU should finance 2 types of OPs : regional OPs allowing projects with infra regional range interregional OPs at the scale of « massifs »
What answer from Cohesion policy? Territorial dimension in OPs EU Cohesion Policy programmes should initiate: regional strategies with greater territorial dimension, addressing issues at sub regional level approaches based on functional territories (defined by MS and regions); appropriate partnerships; integrated strategic plans funding (via TA) of capacity building on integrated territorial policies, for staff working in MA and local teams EU pilot programme: innovative approaches for spatial development, including model projects
What answer from Cohesion policy? Addressing local scale within regional OPs Different options ring fencing resources sub delegation of structural funds from the regional level to local authorities or groups of local authorities contracts with infra-regional territories; integrated territorial projects Better place in the OPs would come up to special needs of geographically specific territories
What answer from Cohesion policy? Multi level governance The territorial scale of problems is rarely the territorial scale of solutions; need to use multi level approach Role of EU Cohesion policy: EU level: EU strategic guidelines with territorial dimension; methodological guidance (eg stricter enforcement of the Partnership Principle (article 11); promotion of best practices National level: NSRF: territorial strategy providing guidance for regional development Regional level: OPs with territorial dimension Community and national policies formed in full consultation with relevant levels of regional and local stakeholders
EU support for territorial networks EC should contribute to stable European networks facing similar problems (eg: Metropolitan regions; Capital cities; rural; mountain ranges …) Need of permanent contact between EC and networks; ensure regular talks with relevant DGs Interregional cooperation: good tool for exchanging best practice; adapt instruments to needs of local and regional authorities, facilitate use of programmes such as Interreg C, Urbact, Espon; increase budget, diminish administrative burden Need to facilitate networking of local elected representatives
Understanding territorial cohesion Evidence base key element for place based policies; eg need of GIS at all territorial levels Monitoring, component of cyclical policy process Need to develop indicators at sub-regional levels Need to delimitate functional areas to help to target actions; to compare territorial units with similar functions across the whole EU space But no comparable data is available (eg no data on commuting in some MS statistics) EU role to provide overarching evidence base, including research (Espon, Urban audit), pilot actions (Interreg, Urbact and Interact)
Thank you for your attention!
Ideas submitted to the discussion Mandatory territorial dimension at each level (NSRF, OPs) at every stage of programming Flexibility: functional territories; pluri-regional programmes Reinforced role of local authorities possibility of sub-delegations, or other arrangements sufficient application of the integrated local development method Improved territorial knowledge