Overview of the Global Climate Change Alliance Paul Renier, Deputy Head of Unit DEVCO C2 Environment, Climate Change, Natural Resources and Water = 1
What is the GCCA? 2007 Initiative of the EU Objective Help developing countries most vulnerable to climate change to increase their capacities to: adapt to the effects of climate change participate to global mitigation efforts Focus on LDCs and SIDS 290 million euros ( ) 2 EDF (40m) DCI (213m) FSF=35% MS (37m) FSF=86% Origin of commited funding of the GCCA 2008 to 2013, committed and earmarked (m) DCI:Development Co-operation instrument FSF:Fast Start Funding MS:EU Member State EDF:European Development Fund
How does the GCCA work? 2 complementary pillars: 3 Platform for dialogue and cooperation Technical and financial support
Where do we work? 4 45 programmes: 35 national + 8 regional programmes Including 9 new interventions
Partners in GCCA 5 GCCA Partner countries Regional organisatio ns EU Delegations Implementi ng partners EU Member States Global Support Facility Secretariat ACP and TA Facility European Commission (EuropeAid) Developme nt partners
What we have achieved so far? 1.Knowledge management and learning on climate change within countries and across regions have been enhanced. 6
2. Climate change mainstreaming into development planning has been strengthened. 3. Integrated and holistic approached have been promoted: For adaptation and disaster risk reduction For adaptation and mitigation For demonstration projects 7
GCCA in numbers 8 41 Adaptation 30 Mainstreaming 12 REDD 11 DRR 7 CDM Distribution of priority areas supported by the GCCA to 2013 (number of interventions) Distribution of sectors supported by the GCCA to 2013 (number of interventions) Agriculture, land management, food security, fisheries Forests and natural resources Water & sanitation, waste, infrastructure, tourism and health Energy Coastal zone management Education, research and technical development
GCCA also contributed to: 1. Busan aid effectiveness principles on climate finance 2. Increased awareness in EU delegations and HQ on climate change 9 Sector budget support (8.5%) Sector programme (6%) General budget support (8.5%) Project approach (77%) Distribution of aid modalities used by GCCA interventions to 2013
And in the future? GCCA + ( ) Priority should remain on SIDS and LDCs 10
Continue addressing GCCA 5 priority areas on demand On the basis of countries' demand, more attention may be to: Adaptation + DRR Ecosystem based adaptation Urbanisation, urban mobility, social affairs and employment Migration Gender Broader range of actors: local authorities, NSA and private sector 11
Thank you! European Commission DEVCO C2