Research and Innovation Research and Innovation An Overview of European Commission Activities on Infectious Diseases Ole Olesen Unit Infectious Diseases.


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Presentation transcript:

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation An Overview of European Commission Activities on Infectious Diseases Ole Olesen Unit Infectious Diseases and Public Health Directorate-General for Research and Innovation European Commission STOA – Aviesan Workshop, Bruxelles – 19 June 2012

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation The role of the European Commission - Research and innovation Develop and implement the European research and innovation policy agreed by the European Parliament and European Council. Funds research through multi-annual framework programmes for research (since 1984). billion 7th Framework Programme ( ) has a total budget of 53 billion - 4% of the total EU budget. The European Commission manages about 5% of total public spending in R&D in the European Union.

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Total funding: 53 billion The 7 th EU Framework Programme ( )

4 EU27 The power of collaboration

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Main policy drivers: Improving health of European citizens Increasing competitiveness of European health- related industries Global health issues, incl. emerging epidemics

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Objectives for Infectious Diseases in FP7: to improve prevention, diagnostics and treatment of infectious diseases by supporting scientific collaboration between Countries Sectors – public and private Area of research Approximate annual average budget for infectious diseases in FP7: 100 million

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Key priorities for infectious diseases in the Health Theme Emerging infectious diseases Influenza and other emerging diseases (incl vector-borne diseases) Anti-microbial resistance Poverty-related diseases HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, malaria Neglected Infectious diseases

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Distribution in FP7 – so far Emerging infectious diseases (incl. influenza) Projects: 29 EU contribution: 141 M Antimicrobial resistance Projects: 26 EU contribution: 131 M HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis Projects: 51 EU contribution: 206 M Neglected infectious diseases Projects: 15 EU contribution: 65 M

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation FP7-funded projects on antimicrobial resistance Bacterial infections:20 projects Viral infections: 7 projects Protozoan infections: 4 projects Fungal infections: 1 project 26 projects in the Health Theme: 131 Mio EU Research on Antimicrobial Resistance presents a selection of these projects: >>Infectious Diseases >>Anti-Microbial Drug Resistance

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Co-operation between EU Member States: Joint programming on AMR Pulls together national research efforts, uses public resources better, and tackles key common challenges Initiative lead by Sweden 18 Countries BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GR, IL, IT, NL, NO, PL, RO, SE,TK and UK involved Only 2 countries (DE and NL) have earmarked programmes for AMR research funding – the others fund AMR research as a result of bottom-up competition. Development of a common vision and strategic research agenda – expected this year Implementation of joint activities in 2013?

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Emerging infectious diseases (including influenza) 29 projects with total EC funding of 141M 16 projects exclusively on human influenza 49M 3 projects on influenza and other emerging pathogens 36M 10 projects on emerging diseases excluding influenza 56M

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Disease burden (DALY/year 1000s) Global prevalence Annual deaths million1.8 million WHO (2008) The Global Burden of Disease: 2004 Update, World Health Organisation, Geneva UNAIDS World AIDS day report, 2011 Key goals in HIV/AIDS research: 18 projects, 84million Basic science3 projects, 1.5M Drug discovery3 projects, 8.5M Vaccines5 projects, 32.0M Microbicides1 projects, 12.5M Diagnostics2 projects, 2.0M Clinical management/treatment4 projects, 24.0M Overarching ERA-NET1 project, 2.0M HIV / AIDS

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Tuberculosis Disease burden (DALY/year 1000s) Global prevalence Annual deaths million1.464 million Key goals in tuberculosis research: 15 projects, 66 million Basic science/host-pathogen interaction7 projects, 14.5M Drug discovery3 projects, 21.0M Vaccines2 projects, 12.5M Diagnostics2 projects, 6.0M Clinical management/public health1 project, 12.0M WHO (2008) The Global Burden of Disease: 2004 Update, World Health Organisation, Geneva.

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Disease burden (DALY/year 1000s) Global prevalen ce Annual deaths million Key goals in malaria research: 18 projects, 56million Basic science/host-pathogen interaction4 projects, 20.3M Vector research5 projects, 20.8M Drug discovery3 projects, 4.6M Vaccines5 projects, 7.4M Diagnostics1 project, 2.8M Malaria WHO (2008) The Global Burden of Disease: 2004 Update, World Health Organisation, Geneva.

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Neglected infectious diseases Priority diseaseDisease burden (DALY/year 1000s) Global prevalence Annual deaths Leishmaniasis million Sleeping sickness 1673< Chagas disease million Key goals in NID research: 15 projects, 65M Protozoa (Leishmaniasis, Sleeping sickness, Chagas) Bacteria ( Buruli Ulcer, Diarrhoeal diseases) Helminths ( Schistosomiasis, Onchocerciasis, Filariasis) Basic immunology5 projects, 13.1M Vector control/public health7 projects, 10.5M Drug discovery6 projects, 11.0M Vaccines7 projects, 25.7M Diagnostics3 projects, 4.7M WHO (2008) The Global Burden of Disease: 2004 Update, World Health Organisation, Geneva. Hotez et al. (2009) Lancet 373:

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Collaborative projects improves the European Research Infrastructure Consist of 23 beneficiaries from 16 countries + more than 100 collaborating centres Access to data from over 250,000 HIV positive people 16 Coordinator: Prof. Kholoud Porter, MRC clinical trials unit, London, UK EU contribution: 12 M Unique resource

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation European Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) Public-Public Partnership: Joint initiative between 16 Member States and European Commission, established under art. 185 Independent legal entity (EEIG) Coordination of European national programmes for clinical trials in Africa for HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB EC contribution of 200 mill Euro + MS contribution of 200 mill Euro Launched in 2004, to be renewed 2014 (EDCTP-2) M

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Public-private partnership, initiative under Article 187 Collaboration between EC and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) as a Joint Technology Initiative under FP7 Objective: to make drug discovery and development more efficient; to bring better medicines faster to patients; and to attract research investment to Europe Support / Funding of research activities following open Calls and independent review 18

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Next steps… FP7 Next call for proposals under Health (to be published in July 2012) contains new opportunities for building research infrastructures Large Topics (EU contribution up to 24 M Euro) on "Clinical management of patients in severe epidemics" Medium-sized topic (EU contribution up to 6 M Euro) on "Drug discovery platform for neglected parasitic diseases"

20 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation THE Future

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Three priorities: 1.Excellent science ( 30%) 2.Industrial leadership ( 30%) 3.Societal challenges ( 40%) Commission has proposed 80 billion budget for Legislative decision by MS and EP during Horizon 2020 will start 1 January 2014

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Among the Societal Challenges identified : HEALTH, DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE AND WELL-BEING How to provide better health, while maintaining an economically sustainable healthcare system ? More health for the money !

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation HEALTH, DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE AND WELL-BEING Main Specific Research Lines Considered Effective health promotion and disease prevention Understanding the determinants of health, improving health promotion and disease prevention Developing effective screening programmes and improving the assessment of disease susceptibility Improving surveillance and preparedness of infectious diseases Developing better preventive vaccines and evidence-based vaccination schemes

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation HEALTH, DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE AND WELL-BEING Main Specific Research Lines Considered Manage, treat and cure diseases and disabilities Understanding disease Improving diagnosis Using in-silico medicine for improving disease management and prediction Treating disease Transferring knowledge to clinical practice Individual empowerments for self-management of health and integrated care

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation HEALTH, DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE AND WELL-BEING Main Specific Research Lines Considered Translating research into better healthcare Better use of health data Improving scientific tools and methods to support policy making and regulatory needs Active ageing, independent and assisted living Optimising the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare systems and reducing inequalities

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Thank you European Commission DG Research and Innovation Infectious Diseases and Public Health