VARUN Voluntary Association For Rural Upliftment and Networking Type: Non-Formal Educational Centers Primary Focus: Remedial Education Region : Rural Areas September 2010
Purpose And Goals 1.To increase the level of literacy and intellectual development of the children in the targeted area. 2.To give technical instruction to increase skill level 3.To provide technical tools so that the local population can join the main stream society
About VARUN Voluntary Association for Rural Upliftment & Networking (VARUN) is a self-motivated, social and non-profit organization. Varun started it activities in Outline: ▫Schools in (6 villages) Shahpur, Dobahi, Pathrour, Sukhdeopur,Hathini and Jhariya. ▫Self help group (women micro finance). - Introduce Organic Farming (Nursery, Seed Bank) ▫Library (in 5 villages) ▫Permanent structures in Shahpur, Dobahi and Lerha. FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 1976) applied in February 2005, until then, donations go through Asha-Varanasi. People: Dr.S.P.Singh (PhD, Agriculture), Mr. A.K.Singh (Journalist) and few teachers like Punnu Singh, Ramkrit, etc.
Current Status of teachers Sl. No.CentreTeacher’s Name 1.Shahpur Mr.Ghurbhari Singh (moved from Sukhdeopur) ShahpurMr. Ramkrit ShahpurMr.Balwant Kumar (new) 2.PathraurMr. Suresh 3.DhobahiMr. Bhuvan Kumar 4.HathiniMr. Ramesh Kumar 5.Sukhdeopur Mr. M.Dharmendra (new) Shyam Bahadur (new) 6.JhariyaMr.Chandrawati (Graduation), Mr.Ashok Kumar (Intermediate) Timing of School : July to March : to 3.30 P.M. April to June : 7.00 to P. M.
Number of students Total students = 384 Sl. No. VillageClass I B G Class II B G Class III B G Class IV B G Class V B G TotalTeacher 1.Dhobahi Mr. Bhawan 2.Pathraur Mr. Suresh 3.Hathini Mr. Ramesh 4.Sukhdeopur Mr. Dharmendra Mr. Shyambahadur 5.Jharia Mrs.Chandrawati Mr. Ashok Kr. Total298 Sl. No.Village Class VI B G Class VII B G Class VIII B G TotalTeacher 1.Shahpur Mr. Ramkrit 2. Mr. Ghurbari 3. Mr. Balwant Kr. Total Students of Primary Section + Middle Section ( ) 384 Note : It is expected that the end of August 2010 the student strength will be up to 400 (aprox)
Extension Activities Participating in solving issues in 3 villages of Naugarh block (Parsia, Majhgawan and Nonwat). On request from Women Federation of Naugarh block, Dr. Singh will be guiding them as Community Extension Worker. Mr. AK Singh will help. Initial survey report will be sent soon. NREGA, RTI and Health issues to be addressed. Work will involve collecting data, meeting with panchayat officers, awareness campaigns, training sessions, etc.
Evaluation Shahpur primary school has been handed over to Govt. with Mr.Punnu Singh elected as Shiksha Mitra. School being monitored closely. New school started in Jhariya. Training women in stitching: Due to funding issues and priorities, this has not been going as expected. 15 children cleared Std V. 8 students from 4 villages to appear in Constantly trying to update people about RTI/NREGA. Numbers shared. 10 students cleared Std. V (6 boys, 4 girls) and 8 students cleared Std. VIII (5 boys, 3 girls). 100% Result. 1 drop-out from class V to class VI. 4 drop-outs from class VIII to IX. 10 students (Girl & boys) from different centers sent to Mankaiya, Varanasi (an ASHA partner) to participate the ‘Child Skill Development Program’ along with 2 teachers. The program was organized by ASHARA. 2 teachers hired for Sukhdeopur.
RTI Activity S.N o RTI MeetingRTI Training No. of Meeting VenueNo. of Participants M F No. of training VenueNo. of Participant M F 1.01Naugarh082012Pathraur-1 Jharia-1 Shahpur-1 Sukhdeopur-1 Naugarh-3 Baghaila-1 Nonwat-1 Gangapur-1 Parsia-1 Majhgawan Total S. No. Application filed at Block level S.No. Application filed at District level No. of ApplicationMatter ResolvedPendingNo. of Deptt.No. of Application Matter Resolved PendingNo. of Deptt S. No. Application filed at State level No. of ApplicationMatter ResolvedPendingNo. of Deptt
S.N o MNREGA Meeting MNREGA Training No. of Meeting VenueNo. of Participants M F No. of training VenueNo. of Participant M F 1.03Parsia Majhgawan Deoduttpur Basauli Lauwari Deoduttpur Shahpur Ratahara Naugarh Total32109Total79254 Activities under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA) During the quarter 24 accounts were opened in Bank of 14 villages and 42 job cards were prepared from 12 villages of Naugarh block. Trainer : Mr. Vijay Lal facilitated by Dr. S. P. Singh
Sl.No.ObjectivesSl. No.Name of villages 1. Importance of Education Govt. Education System and Means of Right to Education Self and send the child for reading Jharia Pathraur Horila Dhobahi Jamsot Sukhdeopur Shivpur Gahila Sonephul Hathini Saraigarh Bhaganda Rabara Pathar Sonbarsa Shahpur 2.Campaign activities in the community Meeting with community members Slogans wall writing Distribution of Education related pamphlets Shiksha Jagrukta Abhiyan (Education Awareness Campaign) 7 th to 11 th June 2010
Budget for Rs. 1. Honorarium : - General Coordinator (Dr.S.P Rs.5000/month - Jr. H. School Head Teacher (1) - Jr. H. School Asst. Teacher (1) - Primary School Teacher- Dhobahi (1) - Primary School Teacher- Pathraur (1) - Primary School Teacher- Hathini (1) -Primary School Teacher- Sukhdeopur (1) - Primary School Teacher- Sukhdeopur (2) 5000x x x x x x2x 4months 60,000/- 33,000/- 26,400/- 24,000/- 21,000/- 18,000/- 9,600/- 2,31,000/- 2.Study Materials for /-275/- x 27575,625/- 3.Cultural Programs1500/- per centerx 5 centers7,500/- 4.National Festivals1000/- x 3 festivals3,000/- 5.Health Check Up of Children Twice In Year2000/- x220,000/- 6.Repairing of centres1500 x 5 centers7,500/- 7.Meeting expenses, every month200 x 122,400/-
Budget for (2) 8. Miscellaneous: Stationary300/- X 123,600/- Telephone600/- X 127,200/- Postage + Xerox300/- X 123,600/- Travel + Conveyance600/- X 127,200/- Tattpatti150 feet 24/-3,600/- Bicycles repairing1000/-1,000/- News papers and magazines150 x 12 x 3 centers5,400/-31,600/- 9. Teachers Training: Twice a year2 X 3,000/- per training6,000/- 10. Teaching Aid5 X 1,000/- center5,000/- 11. Training/Campaign - Education awareness campaign4,000/- - Health Awareness campaign4,000/- - RTI every month500/- x 126,000/- - NREGA training, alternate month1000/- x 66,000/- - Wormi compost training500/- x 63,000/- - Women Empowerment1000/- x 66,000/- - Nukkad Naatak10,000/-39,000 = 4,28,625/- Total = Rs. 4,28,625/- + 19,200 (Addl. For Shahpur) = Rs.4,47,825/-
Budget for Rs. 1. Honorarium : -General Coordinator (Dr.S.P Singh) -Travel allowance for coordinator - Jr. H. School Head Teacher (1) - Jr. H. School Asst. Teacher (2) - Primary School Teacher- Dhobahi (1) - Primary School Teacher- Pathraur (1) - Primary School Teacher- Hathini (1) -Primary School Teacher- Sukhdeopur (2) -Primary School Teacher- Jhariya (2) 3000/- x /- x /- x /- x 12 x /- x /- x /- x /- x 12 x 2 36,000/- 4,800/- 28,800/- 48,000/- 21,600/- 18,000/- 19,800/- 36,000/- 2,49,000/- 2.Study Materials for /- 280/- x 3841,07,520/- 3.Cultural Programs8,000/- 4.Health Check Up of Children4000/- x 312,000/- 5.Repairing of centers1500/- x 6 centers9,000/- 6.Meeting expenses, every month250/- x 123,000/- 7. Educational wall paintings 500/-x5 2,500/-
Budget for (2) 8. Miscellaneous: Stationary300/- X 123,600/- Telephone700/- X 128,400/- Postage + Xerox400/- X 124,800/- Travel + Conveyance700/- X 128,400/- Tattpatti200 feet 26/-5,200/- News papers and magazines150 x 12 x 3 centers5,400/-35,800/- 9. Games material1000/- x 6 centers6,000/- 10. Teachers Training: Twice a year2 X 4,000/-8,000/- 11. Panchayat election awareness campaign 5 x 2,000/-10,000/- 12. Community Extension Worker (Support SHG work in 3 villages) 2,250/- x 12 27,000/- 13 Education related Extension activities in 3 villages 12,000/- Total expenses 4,89,820 Community contribution - 12,000 Net requirement from AFE 4,77,820 Net requested amount from AFE: Rs.4,77,820/-
Budget comparison : Rs.4,77, (requested from AFE-SV) Number of children in session: 384 (expected to be 400) Number of schools: : Rs.4,47, Number of children : 263 Number of schools: 5 Addl. Comments: Had 3 revisions of budget. Reusing some material from last year.