VARUN VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION FOR RURAL UPLIFTMENT AND NETWORKING Type: Non-Formal Educational Centers Primary Focus: Remedial Education Region : Rural Areas August 2012
Purpose And Goals 1. To increase the level of literacy and intellectual development of the children in the targeted area. 2. To give technical instruction to increase skill level 3. To provide technical tools so that the local population can join the main stream society
About VARUN Voluntary Association for Rural Upliftment & Networking (VARUN) is a self- motivated, social and non-profit organization. Varun started it activities in Outline: Schools in (6 villages) Shahpur, Dobahi, Pathrour, Sukhdeopur,Hathini and Danavgarh. Self help group (women micro finance). - Introduce Organic Farming (Nursery, Seed Bank) Library (in 5 villages) Permanent structures in Shahpur, Dobahi and Lerha. Govt schools established in Amritpur, Horila, Lerha, Shahpur and Jharia FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 1976) applied in February 2005, until then, donations go through Asha-Varanasi. People: Dr.S.P.Singh (PhD, Agriculture), Mr. A.K.Singh (Journalist) and few teachers like Punnu Singh, Ramkrit, etc.
Again…another school… Pathrarur is set to be handed over to Govt and people to run. Current budget is only for 5 schools.
Current Status of teachers (need to update) Sl. No.CentreTeacher’s Name (To be updated) 1.Shahpur Mr.Ghurbhari Singh (moved from Sukhdeopur) ShahpurMr. Ramkrit ShahpurMr.Balwant Kumar (new) 2.PathraurMr. Suresh 3.DhobahiMr. Bhuvan Kumar 4.HathiniMr. Ramesh Kumar 5.Sukhdeopur Mr. M.Dharmendra (new) Shyam Bahadur (new) 6.DanavgarhNeed to get the list Timing of School : July to March : to 3.30 P.M. April to June : 7.00 to P. M.
Sn. NoName of village Details of students Total Caste details TotalDistance from main campus BoysGirlsBackwardO.B.CGeneral 01Pathraur Dobahi Hathini Sukhdeopur Danaogarh Shahpur Total Number of students
S. N. Name of Center IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIITotalGrad Total BGBGBGBGBGBGBGBGBG 1 Dhobahi Pathraur Hathini Sukhdeopur Shahpur Danogarh Total More details on number of students
2011 Number of students Sn. NoSchoolClass IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass X 1 BoysGirlsBoysGirlsBoysGirlsBoysGirlsBoysGirlsBoysGirlsBoysGirlsBoysGirlsBoysGirls 2 Pathraur Dobahi Hathini Sukhdeopur Shahpur Danaogarh Estimated
Enrolment update contd… Students registered to appear for examinations and all of them cleared std. VIII. Almost all of them are trying to enroll for further studies.
S.N.Name of ProgrammePlaceDateParticipants FemaleMaleTotal 01Training of LeadershipNaugarh to VARUN 02Training of LeadershipDihari Onsone GEMS 03Annual Examination of all Center All Centers VARUN 04Library WorkNaugarh, Shahpur VARUN Details of School Related Program
Evaluation Criteria Self-sustenance of schools. Train women in stitching and thereby expand into other villages. Identify and recruit teachers who can effectively teach the students. Identify potential students for enrollment in each of the schools. Pass percentage of 5th grade students. Receive results of standard 4 examinations and identify number of students appearing in standard 5 examinations. Educate people about RTI. Recruit a new Educational Coordinator.
Extension Activities Participating in solving issues in 3 villages of Naugarh block (Parsia, Majhgawan and Nonwat). NREGA, RTI and Health issues to be addressed. Work will involve collecting data, meeting with panchayat officers, awareness campaigns, training sessions, etc. Data collected is described in the report.
S.N.Name of ProgrammePlaceDateParticipants FemaleMaleTotal 01Education Awareness Programme Sukhdeopur, Shahpur VARUN & GEMS 02Education Awareness Programme Laltapur VARUN & GEMS 03Education Awareness Programme Danogarh, Parsiyan VARUN & GEMS 04Education Awareness Programme Deokhat VARUN & GEMS 05Meeting of Right to Education Patharaur, Jamsot VARUN 06Meeting of Right to Education Shahpur, Sukhdeopur VARUN 07Meeting of Right to Education Dhobahi VARUN Details of Awareness Programme & R.T.E.
RTI Activity (2011) (need to update) S. No. Application filed at Block level S.No. Application filed at District level No. of ApplicationMatter ResolvedPendingNo. of Deptt.No. of Application Matter Resolved PendingNo. of Deptt S. No. Application filed at State level No. of ApplicationMatter ResolvedPendingNo. of Deptt GatheringsAwarenessTraining Number of gatherings Number of villages Attendance # SessionsAttendance # sessions # villages pamphlets distributed in RTI awareness campaigns.
Women Federation Around 2000 women members of Women federation divided into clusters and groups. Last year, few contested and won in Panchayat elections Every month there is a meeting to discuss about local issues as well as any personal issues. VARUN helps get employment to women from federation if at all there is any job vacancy in area. VARUN spread the awareness amongst people about elections. 68 qualified women got 95,200 through Govt. programs. Another 41,000 was procured.
S.N.Name of ProgrammePlaceDateParticipants FemaleMaleTotal 01Meeting of SangathanShahpur VARUN 02Meeting of SangathanSukhdeopur, Pathraur VARUN 03Meeting of SangathanHorila, Dhobahi VARUN 04Meeting of SangathanParsiyan VARUN 05Meeting of SangathanVishesharpur, Lahuradih VARUN 06Meeting of Farmers ClubVishesharpur VARUN 07Meeting of Farmers ClubMajhgawan, Lahuradih VARUN 08Visit of BHU TeamNaugarh VARUN Details of Organise Women and Farmers Club Related Programmes
Impactin Majhgain – 9kms from centre Due to intervention of Women’s federation committee member, Totra Bano, illegal water re-routing was taken care of. Reason is fight over land was on for 5 years within Yadav community people who are mostly farmers and workers. Victims were persuaded to approach Police fearlessly and work out in legal manner.
Seed and Grain bank Collective effort of women helped establish this effectively. 37 farming clubs. VARUN provided some seeds to the bank initially.
S.N.Name of FarmingNo. of Village Farming in acreNo. of Farmers Seed in Kg. 01Paddy Cultivation Maize Farming Pumpkin Farming Bottle Gourd Sunflower Details of Agriculture
Impact in Majhgaon – 15kms from center A wormi bed that was constructed with the help of VARUN. A villager by name Gnaneswari Devi has used closed to 15 quintals of compost for growing vegetables. Saved around Rs.4000/- per year. Crop is better, people are healthier. Importance is growing.
Loans and bank accounts Women’s club took a loan of Rs.2000/- from VARUN. Ujala farmer’s club has also taken Rs.2000/- as loan. Biggest reason is due to bank accounts not being active. Need to update about the terms and conditions of loan
Activities of MNREGA Meetings in 15 villages with an average of 40 people attending in each village. Awareness workshops in 7 villages. 2432 applications for jobs. 244 bank account holders. 265 new job card holders. VARUN helps in getting people a lot of these things.
Case Study- Dobahi Brief Description Village is 12km from Naugarh and is quite tough to get there with water body on one side and hills on the other. 15 families live there with main occupation being farming and animal rearing. With Asha’s help past 6 years, they were able to run all the major programs.
Case Study- Dobahi On 29 th October 2011, a 4.7km Road has been inaugurated. Main objective was for connectivity during emergency. Road was built in 35 days cutting way through all hills. Village can now be accessed by car.
Case Study- Dobahi Villagers took the initiative to make this road. Meetings were held and the project was coordinated and executed by Bhuvan Kumar (teacher) Women from SHG, Women federation, Mr.Pyarelal from farmer’s club ….21 more names mentioned
S.N.Name of ProgrammePlaceDate 01Wall Writing ProgrammePathraur, Jamsot, Shiopur, Sukhdeopur, Shahpur, Gahila Team 01Wall Writing ProgrammeJhariyan, Bhaganda, Horila, Semarsadhopur Team 02Wall Writing ProgrammeDhobahi, Aurawantand Team 03Wall Writing ProgrammeDanogarh, Parsiyan Team Wall Writing Program Writings include educative and informative slogans and related messages
Budget for Rs. Sub-total Rs. 1. Honorarium : -General Coordinator (Dr.S.P Singh) - Jr. H. School Head Teacher (1) - Jr. H. School Asst. Teacher (2) - Primary School Teacher- Dhobahi (1) -Primary School Teacher- Pathraur (1) --Primary School Teacher- Sukhdeopur (2) -Primary School Teacher- Danaogarh(2) 4000/- x /- x /- x /- x /- x /- x /- x 12 48, , , , , , ,25,600/- 2.Study Materials for /- 300/- x 25075,000/- 3.Cultural Programs2000/- x 510,000/- 4.Health Check Up of Children3000/- x 412,000/- 5.Repairing of centers1500/- x 5 centers7,500/- 6.Meeting expenses, every month250/- x 123,000/- 7. Educational wall paintings 500/-x5 2,500/-
E.Teaching Aid (5 Rs.1000/centre F.Teachers Training Expenses (2 G.Stationary (5 Rs.600/ H.Tatpatti for 5 centres – 250 Rs.24/feet I.News Paper & Magazine (3 0/month00 (removed) Rs.800/month K.Games materials- 5 L.Postage & Rs.400/month M.Travel & Rs.1000/month N.Others 1.Part time Accountant for proper Rs.1000/month 2.Audit Fee 3.Honorarium for Community Mobilizer (1 No.) to maintain & continuity of the previous year activities (3000/- per month) 4.Meeting related activities on right to work, RTE, food 2000/- per month 5.One Digital Rs Bike Repairing & Rs.400/month 7.Field Office Rs.1200/month , Rs.4,58,400.00
Budget ( numbers in red are suggested by Asha and ones struck out are proposed by VARUN) Sl. No.ParticularsMonthsTotal (in Rs.) A.Honorarium Coordinator (1 Rs.3300/month 3100/month Coordinator Rs.400/month Junior High School Teacher Sr. (1 Rs.2500/month 2400/month Junior High School Teachers (2 Rs.2200/month 2100 Dhobahi Teacher (1 Rs.1900/month Pathraur Teacher (1 Rs.1700/month 1600/month Hathini Teacher (1 Rs.1700/month Sukhdeopur Teacher (1 Rs.1500/month Danogarh (New Centre Musahar caste) (1 Rs.1500/month B.Study material for 240 Rs.300/head C.Child Check up Camp (2 Rs.4000/each D.Centre Repairing (5 Rs.1500/centre
E.Teaching Aid (6 Rs.500/centre F.Teachers Training Expenses (1 G.Stationary (6 Rs.500/ H.Tatpatti for 6 centres – 200 Rs.26/feet I.News Paper & Magazine (3 Rs.150/month Rs.800/month K.Postage & Rs.400/month L.Travel & Rs.500/month M.Others 1.Part time Accountant for proper Rs.1000/month 2.Audit Fee 3.Honorarium for Community Mobilizer (1 No.) to maintain & continuity of the previous year 2300/month 4.Honorarium for Stitching Instructor Rs.2500/month 5.One Digital Rs Bike Repairing & Rs.200/mnt 7.Field Office Rs.1000/month Rs. 3,87, Amount proposed for funding
Budget for Rs. 1. Honorarium : -General Coordinator (Dr.S.P Singh) -Travel allowance for coordinator - Jr. H. School Head Teacher (1) - Jr. H. School Asst. Teacher (2) - Primary School Teacher- Dhobahi (1) - Primary School Teacher- Pathraur (1) - Primary School Teacher- Hathini (1) -Primary School Teacher- Sukhdeopur (2) -Primary School Teacher- Jhariya (2) 3000/- x /- x /- x /- x 12 x /- x /- x /- x /- x 12 x 2 36,000/- 4,800/- 28,800/- 48,000/- 21,600/- 18,000/- 19,800/- 36,000/- 2,49,000/- 2.Study Materials for /- 280/- x 3841,07,520/- 3.Cultural Programs8,000/- 4.Health Check Up of Children4000/- x 312,000/- 5.Repairing of centers1500/- x 6 centers9,000/- 6.Meeting expenses, every month250/- x 123,000/- 7. Educational wall paintings 500/-x5 2,500/-
Budget for (2) 8. Miscellaneous: Stationary300/- X 123,600/- Telephone700/- X 128,400/- Postage + Xerox400/- X 124,800/- Travel + Conveyance700/- X 128,400/- Tattpatti200 feet 26/-5,200/- News papers and magazines150 x 12 x 3 centers5,400/-35,800/- 9. Games material1000/- x 6 centers6,000/- 10. Teachers Training: Twice a year2 X 4,000/-8,000/- 11. Panchayat election awareness campaign 5 x 2,000/-10,000/- 12. Community Extension Worker (Support SHG work in 3 villages) 2,250/- x 12 27,000/- 13 Education related Extension activities in 3 villages 12,000/- Total expenses 4,89,820 Community contribution - 12,000 Net requirement from AFE 4,77,820 Net requested amount from AFE: Rs.4,77,820/-
Budget comparison : Rs.4,58, (2012) Vs. Rs. 4,77, (2010). 4% reduced : Rs.4,77, (2010) Vs. Rs. 3,87, % reduced Number of schools unchanged: 6. 1 new school Addl. Comments (check other reports on website for info): Will obtain info on summer camp activities. RTI update needed Site visit pending