Prospects for EU-25 agricultural markets and income 2005-2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Prospects for EU-25 agricultural markets and income

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July Structure of the presentation Introduction –Analytical approach Methodology Main assumptions Main results: –Projections for cereals, oilseeds, meat, eggs and dairy –Income projections

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July Methodological approach Type of models: DG AGRI market projections carried out using two recursive dynamic partial equilibrium models Results: model output consists of supply balance sheets for main commodities, market prices and income Detailed results for: –Old Member States (EU-15) –New Member States (EU-N10) –EU-25 For main commodities/variables

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July Methodological approach Main assumptions: –Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture maintained constant –Favourable, though moderate world agricultural market outlook –Return to modest economic and population growth –$/ exchange rate to reach 1.15 by 2012 –By 2012 direct payments are assumed to be 90% decoupled (milk 100 %, arable crops 93 %, beef 78 %, sheep 73 %)

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July Assumptions for $/ exchange rate and GDP growth

Prospects for agricultural markets Cereal and oilseed sectors

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July Crops medium term perspective appear moderately positive for crop markets thanks to the –CAP reform and decoupling; –the return to higher set-aside levels in 2005/06; –favourable world market conditions and –the expected return to improved exchange rate conditions.

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July Slightly expanding cereal markets…. Development of cereal markets in the EU, (mio t)

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July …balanced by higher levels of set aside… Development of set aside in the European Union (mio ha)

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July … with moderate levels of stocks from 2009…. Development of stocks and cereal exports in the EU, (mio t)

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July … and declining levels of maize and soft wheat stocks over the short to medium term ….. Composition of public stocks in the EU (mio t),

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July Prospects remain conditional on exchange rate environment: asymmetric risks Cereal stocks in the EU under different exchange rate assumptions (mio t)

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July Good overall perspectives on soft wheat markets – with regional appearance of public stocks….. Development of soft wheat markets in the EU (mio t),

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July …further loss of competitiveness of barley and accumulating public stocks in the short to medium term Development of barley markets in the EU (mio t),

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July …growing competitiveness of maize in feed use but segmentation of markets with transport costs Development of maize markets in the EU (mio t),

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July …. short-term pressure on rye markets……. Development of rye markets in the EU (mio t),

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July Medium-term perspectives on durum wheat market Development of durum wheat markets in the EU (mio t),

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July Moderate perspectives on oilseed markets stable area development; energy oilseeds production remains stable with status quo policies; developments depend on the implementation of the biofuel directive in the Member States in particular related to additional resources; EU remains major net importer of oilseeds.

Prospects for agricultural markets Meat sector

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July Meat Beef production lower than consumption in 2003 for the first time in 20 years and expected to remain so throughout the projection period due to: –Declining cattle herd from dairy sector –Impact of decoupling of direct payments –Impact of market disruptions of 2001 BSE crisis Pig meat production expected to keep its slight growth thanks to: –Solid demand both in the EU15 and in the new Member States –Expected profitability with good pig meat prices and relatively low feed prices Poultry meat demand and production to remain strong Limited recovery in sheep/goat meat production after 2001 FMD results in high market prices

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July EU to remain net importer of beef meat over the medium term EU production, consumption, trade and intervention stocks (mio t c.w.e.)

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July Growth rates for pig meat production and consumption are expected to be lower than in the 90s EU production, consumption and trade (mio t c.w.e.)

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July EU poultry production to keep its growth over the medium term in line with growing consumption EU production, consumption and trade (mio t c.w.e.)

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July EU sheep/goat sector not to fully recover from the 2001 Foot and Mouth Disease EU production, consumption and trade (mio t c.w.e.)

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July Total EU meat consumption to resume its long term growth EU per capita consumption (kg/head, in carcass weight equivalent)

Prospects for agricultural markets Milk and dairy sector

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July Milk and dairy products Medium term perspective appear positive for EU dairy markets thanks to the: –Increase in domestic demand for cheese and other value-added dairy products –Decrease in production of residual bulk products like butter and SMP facing lower support and market prices Increasing use of milk for the production of cheeses and other high value-added dairy products for the domestic market limits availabilities for exports

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July Milk quotas to constrain EU milk production while growing milk yields reduce dairy cow herd EU milk production, deliveries to dairies, dairy cows

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July EU cheese market keeps its steady growth over the medium term EU production, consumption and trade (mio t)

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July EU butter balance to improve over the medium term EU production, consumption, trade and intervention stocks (mio t)

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July EU Skimmed Milk Powder (SMP) market to shrink over the medium term leaving less SMP available for exports EU production, consumption, trade and intervention stocks (mio t)

The development of agricultural income Prospects for agricultural markets and income

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July A moderately positive outlook for real farm income in the old Member States….

Prospects for agricultural markets and income , July … with high income gains in the new Member States