15.2- The New Immigrants
A. The Lure of America -Until old immigrants- Protestants from NW Europe -New immigrants S or E Europe (Catholic, Jewish, Greek Orthodox) -Why did they come? Leave poverty or persecution (religious or political) new beginning, $, heard stories “Land of Opportunity”. Etc. -But it was a hard trip. (Steerage)
B. A new life: Conditions… What was life like? --Worked for low wages, poor housing conditions --Taken advantage of/ harassed 1. Immigrant communities- NE and MW cities - native languages (papers) and customs (churches, synagogues) - Hard “Americanization” process - Benevolent societies- help and $ (support) 2. Aid from politicians (bosses) “political machines” control elections. - Do they help out of the goodness of their heart? NO, they need votes for office
3. The immigrant worker- dirty laborious work (low pay and long hours) - Italian and Polish- construction - Eastern Europeans- mines or steel mills - French Canadians- NE textile mills - Jewish (M&W)/Italian (W)- garment industry (sweatshop) - Greeks and Chinese- laundries and restaurants
C. The Nativist response- threatened by immigrants why? Work cheap= lower wages for all 1. West coast- Panic of “The Chinese must go!” kill, legal Chinese Exclusion Act- denied importation and citizenship 2. The Immigration Restriction League literacy test, vetoed by President Cleveland 1897