Regulatory Issues and Safety Challenges Presentation to CSG Safety Forum Stephen Matheson Chief Inspector January 2009
Overview Inspectorate update Statutory positions and their obligations Other obligations eg SMP availability Incident Reporting Investigations – follow up and implementation Drilling issues Wells and more wells Training Competencies Stilsons Safety Alert Future Issues
Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate New Chief Inspector New Inspectors in Cairns, Mackay and Woolloongabba New Regional Inspector in Woolloongabba Need to advertise Deputy Chief and Principal Inspector position Brisbane Look to get additional Inspector positions to deal with expansion
Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate Head Office Chief Inspector, 2 Deputy Chiefs & Principal Inspector A&I Manager Licensing & Systems, Executive Assistant Southern (Woolloongabba) Regional Inspector - 4 Senior Inspectors, OP Support Officer Central Rockhampton - Regional Inspector, Senior Inspector, OP Support Officer Mackay - Senior Inspector Northern Townsville - Regional Inspector, Senior Inspector, OP Support Officer Cairns - Inspector
5 Industries and the community never a dull moment
Statutory Obligations - ESM Executive Safety Manager (s688) Appoints operator Ensures operator makes SMP Approves plan Ensures plan is implemented Gives annual safety report
Statutory Obligations - Operator Operator(s673) Must be identified in SMP (s675) Entity or individual Makes and revises SMP(s674, s678) Ensures compliance with plan (s677) Appoints SSM (s692)
Statutory Obligations - SSM Site Safety Manager (s692) Induction Ensures people comply with SOPs and emergency response procedures Ensures people follow SOPs and perform functions safely First aid & other equipment available on site Staff trained in first aid and emergency procedures
Other Obligations Notice to Chief Inspector of new plant commissioning/operating (s 673A) 20 Business days Ensure SMP are accessible (s676) At the plant (where practical)
Incident reporting Obligation to report prescribed incidents (see s706 of P&G Act, S11 and schedule 2 of P&G Reg) Lies with operator of operating plant to ensure incident is reported as required Contractors/tenure operator systems break down P&G Inspectorate 24/7 emergency contact numbers (Southern) (Central) Written reports
Incident investigation/follow up Opportunity for improvement S11 of P&G Reg requires underlying cause to be identified S675 requires SMP to have mechanisms to investigate record and review incidents S675 SMP must have process for managing change, mechanisms for review SMP. S678 SMP requires plan to be remade as a result of event S699 acceptable level of risk S701 when acceptable level of risk is achieved
Incident investigation/follow up summary Conduct quality and thorough investigations Learn from incidents especially high potentials Ensure findings are implemented promptly Temporary or delayed fixes are not acceptable
Drilling – wells and more wells Significant rise in CSG wells drilled in 07/08 (400 to 600) Conventional wells decreased (gone back to 05/06 levels) Meterage increasing Number of drilling companies operating in Qld has risen from 14 in 2005 to over 20 in 2009 LNG will have dramatic impact on all these numbers
Petroleum wells
Drilling Competencies As of 1 January 2009 Competency Standard for drill rig workers is law (s54AA of P&G Reg) Minimum standard only – s54A (P&G Reg) and s675 (P&G Act) skills assessment, training and supervision requirements apply Different ways of demonstrating competencies Mapping with assistant of appropriate assessor required Audits and inspections will review compliance
Drilling – Stilsons Stilsons are hand tools designed to be used as hand tools. No evidence that manufacturers endorse their products being cut, welded or attached to a device. Any modification to a tool has to be reviewed, rigorously engineered and assessed. Risk analysis must be done to ensure safety is not compromised. Inspectors will want to see documentation
Future issues More analysis of incident data New Inspectorate plans to be more visible Undertaking unannounced inspections (implementation minor audits) of plant especially drill rigs for compliance with SMP Mandated Rig Inspections (annual?) Requiring third party audits