WJEC A2 Geology BGS Mapwork Exercises I.G.Kenyon
The Geology of Hadrian’s Wall Quartz Dolerite Describe the strike and dip of the rocks shown on the map extract Outline, using map evidence the likely form of the quartz dolerite intrusion
The Geology of Wenlock Edge, Shropshire X 9 N 10 Silurian Rocks Y Describe the strike and dip of the beds shown on the extract above
Geology and Topography of Wenlock Edge, Shropshire X Y Aymestry Limestone Periglacial Head Boulder Clay Upper Ludlow Shales LowerLudlow Shales Wenlock Limestone Cross section along line X-Y from the map on the previous slide Using the geology map on the previous slide and the cross section above, outline the relationship between lithology and topography
Clitheroe 1:50,000 Sheet 68 Solid & Drift Describe the strike and dip of the beds in this box Suggest reasons to explain the V-shaped outcrop pattern here
Ayr 1:50,000 Sheet 14(W) Solid Describe the likely form of the igneous intrusion here This fault dips South West, identify the type of fault Describe and identify the fold structure within this box
Exeter 1 inch : 1 mile Sheet 325 Solid & Drift Carboniferous grits and shales N Basic igneous rocks Using this slide and the next, try to identify the types of igneous features Permo-Triassic breccias and conglomerates
Exeter 1 inch : 1 mile Sheet 325 Solid & Drift Identify the types of igneous features Dolerite (D) Perm-Triassic breccias and conglomerates Carboniferous grits and shales Basalt(B) Tuffs Section along southern margin of the map of previous slide
Hexham 1 inch :1 mile Sheet 19 Solid Identify the main fold structure in the yellow box, refer to dip and strike values, symmetry and plunge where appropriate
Okehampton 1 inch : 1mile Sheet 324 Solid & Drift Describe the outcrop pattern of igneous rock D and identify the type of intrusion Line of cross section on next slide Granite Estimate the width of the metamorphic aureole around the granite above
Okehampton 1 inch : 1mile Sheet 324 Solid & Drift Describe the fold structure between A and B on the cross section below A B What map evidence is there to confirm that this part of the bed is overturned? How could you confirm this in the field?
LLandrindod Wells 1:25,000 Sheet 15/16 Solid Describe the map evidence to suggest there is a plunging syncline and anticline on the extract above. In which direction are the folds plunging?
This fault plane dips East at 76° Identify the fault type LLandrindod Wells 1:25,000 Sheet 15/16 Solid N This fault plane dips East at 76° Identify the fault type
This fault dips SSE at 70° Identify the type of fault Harlech 1:50,000 Sheet 135 Solid This fault dips SSE at 70° Identify the type of fault C D Describe and identify the major fold structure along line C – D. Refer to strike and dip, symmetry and plunge where appropriate
What happens to the conglomerate here? Wrexham 1:50,000 Sheet 121 Solid Compare and contrast the strike and dip values of the Silurian (b) and Carboniferous (d) Beds What happens to the conglomerate here? This bed is a basal conglomerate, explain the significance of this with respect to the junction between the Silurian and Carboniferous beds Carboniferous Silurian
Brough-under-Stainmore 1:50,000 Sheet 31 Solid Using map evidence, describe and explain the outcrop of the Carboniferous beds in the NE corner of the extract F The Hilton Fault dips SW at 80° Identify the fault type E
Brough-under-Stainmore 1:50,000 Sheet 31 Solid F d E b = Ordovician d = Carboniferous e = Permian f = Triassic Describe and identify the major geological structures shown on the cross section above
Lake District 1:250,000 Sheet 54°N - 04° West Solid Permian Ordovician Carboniferous Describe the likely nature of these igneous intrusions Identify 2 unconformities on the map extract Silurian
Lake District 1:250,000 Sheet 54°N - 04° West Solid Carboniferous Silurian Permian Ordovician Shap Granite Ordovician Identify 2 unconformities on the cross section above, use information from the previous slide to help you
Monmouth 1:50,000 Sheet 233 Solid & Drift B A D Note-basal conglomerate G H Describe and identify the major fold structure along line G – H on the map extract C Identify the structures shown in boxes A, B, C and D
The Roaches & Upper Dove Valley 1:25,000 Sheet SK06 Solid & Drift Identify the major fold structure in the box above, refer to strike, dip, symmetry and plunge where appropriate
The Roaches & Upper Dove Valley 1:25,000 Sheet SK06 Solid & Drift Landslide Oldest bed Describe and identify the major fold structure on the extract above, refer to strike, dip, symmetry and plunge where appropriate. Outline the likely reason for the occurrence of the large landslide on the map
Church Stretton 1:50,000 Sheet 166 Solid Describe the major fold structure in the highlighted box, refer to strike, dip, symmetry and plunge where appropriate Dolerite Suggest, with reasons the likely form of the dolerite intrusion on the extract
Miller’s Dale 1:25,000 Sheet 17 Solid & Drift Describe and identify the major fold structure on the extract above, refer to strike, dip, symmetry and plunge where appropriate
Bristol 1 inch:1mile Solid & Drift Describe the relationship between beds f6 and d2 on the map extract Identify the major fold structure in the box on the map extract above
Bristol 1 inch:1mile Solid & Drift Describe and identify the major fold structure in this area of the map extract
Bristol 1 inch:1mile Solid & Drift Describe and explain the nature of the faulting in this area Describe the relationship between the f6 Triassic beds and the Carboniferous d1 to d3 beds on the extract Identify the major fold structure in this area
Pembroke & Linney Head 1:50,000 Sheets 244/245 Solid & Drift Describe and identify the major fold structures along line P – Q Check your answer on the next slide Q
Pembroke & Linney Head 1:50,000 Sheets 244/245 Solid & Drift Describe the major fold structures on the cross section above. Suggest areas where beds are likely to be overturned. What field evidence could you look for to prove some limbs were inverted?
Pembroke & Linney Head 1:50,000 Sheets 244/245 Solid & Drift Identify and describe 2 major fold structures on the map extract, refer to strike, dip, symmetry and plunge where appropriate
Maidstone 1 inch:1 mile Sheet 288 Solid & Drift J Line of section on next slide N This fault plane dips S at 77° State the type of fault Check your answer on the next slide K
Maidstone 1 inch:1 mile Sheet 288 Solid & Drift How could you calculate the throw of the fault? North South Reverse Fault K J Hanging wall upthrown Footwall downthrown
Lands End 1:250,000 Sheet 50N 06W Solid Describe and account for the shape of the metamorphic aureole around the St. Austell granite St.Austell Granite Edge of metamorphic aureole
Maidstone 1 inch : 1 mile Sheet 288 Solid & Drift Describe the drainage pattern shown in the North and Eastern part of the map Maidstone 1 inch : 1 mile Sheet 288 Solid & Drift
This fault plane dips WNW at 67°, state the type of fault Swansea 1:50,000 Solid Sheet 247 This fault plane dips WNW at 67°, state the type of fault Identify the main fold structure, refer to dip and strike, symmetry and plunge where appropriate N
Swansea 1:50,000 Solid Sheet 247 X Y Identify this fault structure The Grovesend Fault dips East at 40° This fault dips west at 47° Identify this fault structure Identify the structure between these 2 faults X
Swansea 1:50,000 Solid Sheet 247 Describe the major fault structures on the cross section below Cross section along line X-Y on previous slide
Coventry 1:50,000 Solid & Drift Sheet 169 A Describe the strike and dip of the coal seams in boxes A and B Account for the variation in outcrop pattern of the coal seams in boxes A and B on the map extract B
Coventry 1:50,000, Solid & Drift Sheet 169 A Describe the map evidence to support the idea there is an angular unconformity within highlighted box A on the extract above
Newton Abbot 1:50,000, Solid & Drift Sheet 339 Granite Describe and account for the drainage pattern developed on the granite on the western side of the map extract
Newton Abbot 1:50,000, Solid & Drift Sheet 339 Dolerite What type of intrusion is represented by the dolerite? Granite m = metamorphic aureole Give 2 pieces of map evidence to show that the granite intrusion is younger than the dolerite on the extract above
Newton Abbot 1:50,000, Solid & Drift Sheet 339 Dolerite 75 A Black Shales A major quarry is located in box A above. Outline 2 problems that the local geology may present to the quarrying activity.
Newton Abbot 1:50,000, Solid & Drift Sheet 339 State the map evidence for these beds being horizontal Impermeable Breccia Landslip Permeable Sandstone Periglacial Head Gravel-Permeable Outline the factors that may explain the formation of the landslip shown on the extract above
The End