Study Guide ch. 2 SarahBeth Walker
Self-Directed Learning (SDL) Any increase in knowledge, skill, accomplishment, or personal development that an individual selects and brings about by his or her own efforts using any method in any circumstance at any time.”
Metacognitive Learners engage in 3 key processes: Planning – determine individual goals Monitoring – take action to implement plan Evaluating – reflect on how well goals were met/ should future strategies be modified?
GAME plan (recommendations for self- directed learning Set G oals Take A ction to meet those goals M onitor progress toward achieving goals E valuate whether the goals were achieved and E xtend your learning to new situations.
Professional Development Planning Steps 1. Decide on at least one goal for furthering your skills in technology integration. 2. Review the action steps presented in this section. Reflect on your preferences for learning about technology and select at least one action step fro each goal. 3. Make a list of the resources you’ll consult as you take action toward your goals. 4. Estimate a date on which you will begin to take action and when you want to complete your tasks. 5. Consider what sort of product or performance will demonstrate to yourself and others that you have obtained your goals.
Critical Reflection Trying to understand different perspectives and use that understanding to set goals for future behavior or learning.
3 categories of portfolio use Demonstrate compliance with specific requirements so that others can assess your skills (assessment portfolios). Present and possibly market your skills to others (employment portfolios). Reflect on current skills and future learning goals to guide individual learning and professional development (professional development portfolios).
3 Types of Portfolios Assessment Portfolios – a collection of artifacts used to assess student learning; an authentic representation of student learning. Employment Portfolios – a presentation of artifacts demonstrating competencies in relation to a desired position or profession. Professional Development Portfolio – a personal tool for individual learning that provides a place for collecting and reflecting on artifacts documenting professional growth over time from a very personal point of view.
Factors to consider when selecting development tools Your skills Ease with which you can cross-reference artifacts Ability to integrate information from a variety of formats Access to the tool throughout your career Ability to display portfolio contents in ways that will be useful for multiple purposes and audiences Ease of updating Need for confidentiality
Steps in portfolio development Define your purpose, audience, distribution medium, and development tool. Design your portfolio organization and layout. Develop the portfolio. Deliver it to its intended audience.