Primul brand al unui sector de export romanesc dr. Costin Lianu Director General Ministerul Economiei si Comertului Coordonator strategii de branding sectorial
Cuprins 1.Platforma de mesaj 2.Prime rezultate 3.Ce urmeaza
Technical Talents Basic Science Languages Combinatie de aptitudini Domestic MarketLocationBusiness Environment Proven success by top investors & high FDI Investment Targets: Offshore Product Development Nearshore Outsourced R&D Multilingual Contact Center Complex BPO Ideal Partners: Multinationals Small-medium firms Venture investors 1. Platforma de mesaj centrata pe resurse umane si marketingul localizarii
CIFA-1, the first computer in the communist bloc (1957) → The “Most Certified Nation” in Europe (and #3 worldwide after the US and India) according to Brainbench Employment Testing → Romanian companies captured 2nd and 3rd place prizes at the Eureka Innovation awards in each of the past two years → Strong mechanical and other engineering science capacities near IT Polytechnics → The only two non-American of the top ten antivirus programs are from Romania “It is an internationally acknowledged fact that Romanian educational system distinguishes itself through quality.” Steve Ballmer, CEO, Microsoft (2003) → Top 3 in the IEEE International Design Competition since 2001 → Top 10 in the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Intercollegiate Programming Contest in 8 of the 10 past years (ACM) → More Informatics Olympiad medals than any country but China and the USSR → More Math Olympiads than any country but China, the USSR and the USA Traditie in excellenta tehnica
Technical Education 5 Elite Polytechnics 59 Universities 174 Private Colleges IT Graduates Per Million Romania United States Czech Republic Russia Ukraine Hungary China Vietnam India Bangladesh Indonesia “The decision to open the center in Romania followed analysis of 15 offshore locations. Among the deciding factors was cultural affinity to Western European clients, the capacity of the skilled employee base which is still relatively untapped, and the quality and diversity of language skills.” -Director Strategic Planning, Global Operations, Top 10 IT Company Source: UNESCO, RUSSOFT, BASSCOM, Romanian NIS, US NCES, Carmel (2003) Highest density of IT grads and Top 10 in volume overall Argumente privind densitatea mare de specialisti
Timisoara Brasov Iasi Bucharest Arad Sibiu Constanta Bucuresti Timisoara Cluj Iasi Brasov Constanta Ploesti Targu- Mures Sibiu Arad Principle City Total Students Next Generation City Total Students Technical Majors Other Engineering Econ & Law Numbers indicate undergraduate enrollment in public institutions. Source: Romanian National Statistics Institute, 2004 Larga raspandire a talentelor si clusterelor in formare in profil regional, in jurul centrelor universitare
Accesibilitatea → Over 30 international directs from Bucharest → International flights to other regional centers → Less than two hours from most European capitals → No visas required for EU and US citizens in Romania → No short-term visas for Romanian citizens in EU → Six regional technology clusters provide capacity, room to grow, and access to skills → Intersection of three major markets: EU, CIS and Middle East
2500+ engineers developing embedded automotive systems and network operator equipment all over Romania 1200 engineers developing network operator equipment in Western Romania Intel Capital invested $12M in Romanian IT services and outsourcing company, Siveco, in Bucharest 250 R&D engineers working on semiconductor design in conjunction with Bucharest Polytechnic Adobe believes its recent acquisition of Romanian software company, InterAKT, will enhance product lines while the new development center in Romania will provide Adobe with greater access to and expertise in the Eastern European market. Operates five global IT & Technology Centers including development and a 15-language call center Announced plans for opening a new service center in Bucharest with operations beginning with approximately 100 employees,tasked with providing consulting services to customers across Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The global outsourcing firm, owned by GE and Oak Hill Partners, employs 170 and plans to expand to 1500 for IT outsourcing, financial services and supply chain BPO Branduri mari pe piata (I)
700 employees focusing on CRM contact center, application development especially in structured content (eContent) 350 employees primarily in application development, maintenance and integration 570 employees focused primarily on outsourced technical support and outsourced manufacturing 200 engineers focused on application development and R&D. Romsys is a Lockheed Martin Star Supplier Founded by Cap Gemini execs, 150 engineers focused on application development primarily for the German & UK markets Development subsidiary for 2400 employee US-based TechTeam provides application development for the automotive sector Provides multilingual research services for Frost & Sullivan and other complex BPO for clients like Alfa Romeo and Fiat 200 employees provide technical documentation, drawing and parts inventories for Airbus and other aviation clients *Includes companies with primary development locations in Romania. Multinationals like Ness, GenPact and Wipro are excluded. Branduri mari pe piata (II)
2.Prime rezultate Lansare pe piata europeana la CeBit Hanovra si campanie publicitara ; Articole in presa cu preluari din platforma mesaj (France Press; Times,The Economist,Deutche Welle,etc.) Intarire mesajului pe piata de catre firme; Incredere in logo si chiar folosirea lui de catre firme mari de pe piata (SIVECO);
Concluzia generala a firmelor la CeBit: avem un brand viabil si necesar, pe care il sustinem Apreciat ca brand foarte bun sau bun de marea majoritate a firmelor dar trebuie promovat activ si continuu atat in exterior cat si in interior (IT Six, Romsoft, Arobs Transilvania, Infotouch,Siveco, etc); Aceasta intiativa era necesara si binevenita (IQuest); Brandul nu este inca bine cunoscut clientilor si trebuie promovat (S&T Software); Il vom folosi in materialele promotioanle ale firmei (Wittmann); Brandul nu trebuie schimbat in fiecare an (Artsoft Consult); Brandul trebuie conectat mai mult de promovarea clusterelor in formare (Incubator IT Timisoara) Nu cred in coloana infinitului ca simbol, o singura firma (Misoft)
3. Ce urmeaza Lansare brand pe piata nord-americana, simpozion/targ Gartner, San Francisco, aprilie 2007; Lansare brand in Orientul Mijlociu (Dubai), targul GITEX octombrie 2007; Manifestari in tara prin asociatiile de ramura; Alte forme de marketing extern (targuri, articole, interviuri); Initiative la nivel de asociatii si de firme.
Un brand bine construit si lansat: