AustraliaAustralia Armstrong, Louis Armstrong, Louis Armstrong Neil Armstrong Neil
Big Ben Big Ben British Museum British Museum Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace Byron, LordByron, Lord Bell, Alexander GrahamBell, Alexander Graham Barrie J.M.Barrie J.M. Barton, Clara Barton, Clara Beatles Beatles Blackpool Illumination Blackpool Illumination
Cambridge Cambridge Carrol, Lewis Carrol, Lewis Changing of the Guard Changing of the Guard Chaplin, Charlie Chaplin, Charlie Christie, Agatha Christie, Agatha Churchill, Sir Winston Churchill, Sir Winston CanadaCanada Churchill, Sir WinstonChurchill, Sir Winston Central Park Central Park Channel Tunnel Channel Tunnel Christopher ColumbusChristopher Columbus
Darwin, Charles Darwin, Charles Defoe, Daniel Defoe, Daniel Dickens, CharlesDickens, Charles Downing Street, 10Downing Street, 10 Diana, Princess of WalesDiana, Princess of Wales Double Decker BusDouble Decker Bus Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Einstein, Albert Einstein, Albert Elizabeth I, QueenElizabeth I, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen EasterEaster EdinburghEdinburgh Edward IVEdward IV
Field, John Field, John Fifth Avenue Fifth Avenue
Green Park GreenPark Gardner, FrancisGardner, Francis Grand CanyonGrand Canyon Great Smoky MountainsGreat Smoky Mountains
Hollywood Hollywood Houses of Parliament Houses of Parliament Hyde Park Hyde Park HalloweenHalloween HarvardHarvard Henman, TimHenman, Tim Hepburn AudreyHepburn Audrey Hogarth WilliamHogarth William
Independence dayIndependence day
Jerome K. JeromeJerome K. Jerome James IJames I James, Henry James, Henry Jordan, Michael Jordan, Michael
Kensington Gardens Kensington Gardens KiltKilt King Arthur King Arthur Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard
Lennon, John Lennon, John Lollypop lady Lollypop lady London London London Zoo London Zoo Los AngelesLos Angeles Lake District Lake District Leigh, Vivien Leigh, Vivien London Underground London Underground Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Madame Tussaud’s Museum Madame Tussaud’s Museum MOMI MOMI (Museum of the Moving Image) ManhattanManhattan Metropolitan Museum Metropolitan Museum
Newton, Isaac Newton, Isaac New YorkNew York New ZealandNew Zealand NottinghamNottingham National Gallery National Gallery Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Horatio Nightingale, Florence Nightingale, Florence
Oxford Oxford Oscar Oscar
Palace of Westminster Palace of Westminster Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Peter Pan Peter Pan Pickford, Mary Pickford, Mary Prince of WalesPrince of Wales Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Prime minister Prime minister
Regent’s Park Regent’s Park Robin Hood Robin Hood
Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William St James’s Park St James’s Park St Paul’s Cathedral St Paul’s Cathedral Shelley Mary Shelley Mary Spark Muriel Spark Muriel Spielberg Steven Spielberg Steven Stuart Mary Stuart Mary
Thames Thames Thatcher, Margaret Thatcher, Margaret Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel Tower Bridge Tower Bridge Tower of London Tower of London Trafalgar Square Trafalgar Square Turner, Joseph Turner, Joseph Twain, Mark Twain, Mark TitanicTitanic Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, Elizabeth
Victoria, Queen Victoria, Queen
Westminster Abbey Westminster Abbey Westminster Bridge Westminster Bridge Windsor Castle Windsor Castle Wilde, Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilson, Woodrow Wilson, Woodrow Wordsworth, William Wordsworth, William
Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone National Park