1 Shopping Oh Noooooo …..
2 We are going to look at What it used to be like 100 years ago What you think it might have been like 50 years ago What it is like now How it might change And also how what we buy has changed
3 Lets look at Rhayader 150 years ago
4 Taken around 1900 the Lewis family and their shop staff have lined up. The shop was a bakers and confectionery business in Rhayader Rhayader only has 200 people now – back then it only has about 900 About how many people are there where you live?
5 Some of the trades in Rhayader
6 Trades in Rhayader
7 How has it changed? What did they have that we don’t? What do we have that they didn’t? How was this town different do you think from a town in England – say nearer London?
8 Rhayader today
9 What do think it was like 50 years ago? What was different? Why? What has changed? The things people bought Where the goods came from?
10 About 45 years ago If I wanted sweets I went to the village shop and post office – it was about 20 minutes walk or 1 mile or 1.6km – it was were I went to my first school But if we needed bread, or meat or groceries it was 30 minutes walk or 1.5 miles or 2.5 km to the next village where we would visit the butcher (there were 2) or the bakers or the grocers. But if you had a telephone and could wait, you could always ring up and order meat or groceries and bread was delivered 3 times a week Milk came everyday from the dairy farm just down the road
11 About 45 years ago That village also had a bigger post office which sold more things and also a proper sweet shop with the sweets lined up in jars – called Mrs Pobgies. And there was a doctor there as well a garage and taxi service By the way there was not a bus either way so you walked! PS Just checked the website and the buses that used to run still do – and the route of one has been extended – so if I still lived there, I could now catch a bus to the big village!
12 About 45 years ago If we wanted more expensive things, like carpets or clothes or furniture, then we had to go 5 miles or 8km in one direction or 7 miles or 11 km in the other direction. There were buses about every hour to both towns, as not many people had cars There were lots more shops in the towns, like Sainsbury’s but not as you know it! Supermarkets had not got here from America. There were fish and chip shops but Indian and Chinese food had not arrived
13 What is it like now? Both villages still have a school The bigger village still has a post office, general store and also one butcher The baker is still baking but has moved onto another larger place and shut down their original shop Both villages have a pub but the smaller one has a hotel above theirs Interesting: the small village has a weekly farmers market where they can get fresh meat, fish, vegetables as well as bread and cakes and other things besides
14 What was it like when my daughter was a bit younger than you? We lives on the edge of a small town The sweetshop and paper shop was only about 200m away But the main town was about 800 metres (about 10minutes walk) There you could go to 2 supermarkets, but there was still 4 butchers, 2 green grocers, as well as a chemists, 2 clothes shops, 2 small electrical shops, a cinema, several fish and chip shops and takeaways, a carpet shop, a small furniture store But to get anything large, we needed to go 20 miles to big town
15 What has happened since? There is no green grocers and only 2 butchers. The supermarkets provide a much greater variety of things There are still quite a variety shops but the cinema has gone The big town now had 3 big out of town centres with mega stores in each The middle of the big town is a bit run down but it has a lot of the well known names still But all the best shopping is on the outside
16 Where do you do most of your shopping? If you wanted to get a newspaper or sweets or a bottle of milk – how far would you go? How would you get there? What about the main family food shop – do you get most of it in the supermarket? Or do you go to different shops for different things? How far to you go? How do you get there? Could you go by public transport – or isn’t there any?
17 Now the future … What do you think it will be like in another 50 years? Think about carbon footprint. Will we be buying as much? How will we buy it?
18 What I would like you to do is.. Find out from AT LEAST 2 people about shopping when they were young of which at least one was a child about 40 + years ago What questions do you think you could ask them?
19 This is what I want you to fill in Then there is another one the same except it say Now Why do you think I chose those things to ask about?