MTSS Multi-Tiered System of Support School Intervention Plan St. Patrick School Ed 515 Mary Staley
St. Patrick School MTSS Action Planning Implementation 3 -5 years Implementation 3 -5 years School Coordinator School Coordinator Support from School Council and PTO Support from School Council and PTO Principal’s Leadership Team Principal’s Leadership Team Teacher Expectations and Requirements: Teacher Expectations and Requirements: Across Curriculum Expectations/Dynamics Data Driven Research using Archdiocesan Curriculum Data Driven Research using Archdiocesan Curriculum
GOAL – READING 100% of all St. Patrick School Students will score at the State Standard or Above GOAL – READING 100% of all St. Patrick School Students will score at the State Standard or Above
Kansas Standard of Excellence Met in Reading St. Patrick School students will reach or maintain the Standard of Excellence in Reading
Kansas Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Student centered planning Customized function-based interventions Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design BEHAVIOR All students, All settings Positive behavioral expectations explicitly taught and reinforced Consistent approach to discipline Assessment system and data- based decision making Supplemental targeted function-based interventions Small groups or individual support Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design More intense supplemental targeted skill interventions Customized interventions Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design ACADEMICS Supplemental targeted skill interventions Small groups Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design All students Evidence-based core curriculum & instruction Assessment system and data-based decision making
Tier I: Universal Interventions Reading Based on Archdiocesan Core Curriculum Based on Archdiocesan Core Curriculum 90-min. uninterrupted instruction 90-min. uninterrupted instruction Universal progress monitoring 3x/year Universal progress monitoring 3x/year
Tier II: Supplemental (Targeted) Interventions READING Supplemental – focused instruction Supplemental – focused instruction 30 additional minutes of intensive small group (3-5) instruction daily 30 additional minutes of intensive small group (3-5) instruction daily Progress monitoring 2X monthly to inform instructional changes Progress monitoring 2X monthly to inform instructional changes
Tier III: Intense Supplemental Interventions READING READING Specifically designed and customized Specifically designed and customized Progress monitoring 2-4X month Progress monitoring 2-4X month 30 additional minutes of intensive small group (3) instruction daily 30 additional minutes of intensive small group (3) instruction daily
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS – READING – Kindergarten DescriptionAreas Assessed Timeline KindergartenEarly Childhood Checklist PhonicsQuarterly Animated LiteracyPhonemic Awaren/Phonics: letter naming of upper case, lc, & sound identificationWeekly Animated LiteracyPhonemic Awareness/Phonics: letter sound writing Weekly Animated LiteracyPhonemic Awareness/Phonics: beginning sound identification; SpellingWeekly Animated LiteracyFluency/ Phonics: nonsense word reading Weekly DIBELSPhonemic Awareness/Phonics: letter naming of upper case, lowercase & sound identificationFall/Winter/Spring DIBELSPhonemic Awareness/Phonics: letter sound writing Fall/Winter/Spring DIBELSPhonemic Awareness/Phonics: beginning sound identification; SpellingFall/Winter/Spring DIBELSFluency/ Phonics: nonsense word reading Fall/Winter/Spring Basal Sight Word Lists Word Recognition/Decoding Weekly AR Comprehension As Needed
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS – READING – First Grade through Third Grade First Grade Basal Assessments Word Recognition/Phonics/ Comprehension Weekly Basal Sight Word Lists Word Recognition/Decoding Weekly DIBELSPhonemic Awareness/Phonics: Letter naming of uc & lc, sound identificationFall/Winter/Spring DIBELSPhonemic Awareness/Phonics: letter sound writing Fall/Winter/Spring DIBELSPhonemic Awareness/Phonics: beginning sound identification; word SpellingFall/Winter/Spring DIBELSFluency/ Phonics: nonsense word reading Fall/Winter/Spring Reading Fluency Assess Fluency/Comprehension Winter/Spring Accelerated ReaderComprehension As Needed Local Benchmark Screening Phonemic Awareness/Word Recognition/ DecodingFall 2nd Grade Basal Unit AssessWord Recognition/Phonics/ Comprehension/ Vocabulary As Needed Basic Inventories Word Recognition/Fluency/ Comprehension Fall/Spring DIBELS Phonemic Awareness/Fluency/PhonicsFall/Winter/Spring AR Comprehension As Needed 3rd Grade KCA Formative Narrative and Expository Text Fall/Winter SRAVocabulary/Comprehension As Needed Basal Unit AssessComprehension As Needed Basal Vocab AssessVocabulary As Needed AR Comprehension As Needed Basal Fluency AssessFluency Quarterly Phonemic Awareness/Fluency/PhonicsFall/Winter/Spring DIBELS Phonemic Awareness/Fluency/PhonicsFall/Winter/Spring
Cross-Curricular Core Instruction Action Plan STRATEGIES Implement Scientifically Implement Scientifically Based Research (SBR) practices supportive of effective instruction; Differentiation and McRel-Essential 9. Develop clear building & Develop clear building & student goals, and progress monitoring systems. PROF. DEVELOPMENT Faculty meetings Faculty meetings Team meetings Team meetings Archdiocesan Training Archdiocesan Training Principal Walk-Through Feedback Principal Walk-Through Feedback Principal Evaluation Feedback Principal Evaluation FeedbackRESOURCES Professional library: Professional library: Classroom Instruction That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement (Marzano) Differentiation Strategies Differentiation Strategies Kansas State Department of Education Web Applications Kansas State Department of Education Web Applications AYP Reports AYP Reports The Center for Educational Testing and Evaluation The Center for Educational Testing and Evaluation Technology Technology
Reading Action Plan STRATEGIES Bulls-eye the data. Bulls-eye the data. Implement Multi-tiered Implement Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS). Develop master schedule Develop master schedule supportive of SBR & MTSS = 90 minutes of uninterrupted instruction for LA + 30 minutes for Tier minutes for Tier 3. Develop goal setting & Develop goal setting & progress monitoring systems aligned with essential indicators. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Faculty meetings Faculty meetings Team meetings Team meetings Archdiocesan Training Archdiocesan Training Principal Walk-Through Feedback Principal Walk-Through Feedback Principal Evaluation Feedback Principal Evaluation Feedback The Kansas Multi-Tier The Kansas Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) System of Supports (MTSS) Symposium (Sept , Symposium (Sept , 2009) 2009)RESOURCES Kansas State Department Kansas State Department of Education Web Applications – AYP/QPA Reports The Center for Educational Testing and Evaluation The Center for Educational Testing and Evaluation Student Based Support Student Based SupportTeam Intervention Plan system Intervention Plan system Enrichment Plan system Enrichment Plan system Parent Volunteers Parent Volunteers Technology Technology Schedules Schedules Building goals Building goals
Setting up Planning Team Process Confirm commitment Create a planning team Conduct a self assessment Build an action plan Implement the action plan Create a communication strategy Use data to implement and evaluate efforts
The Problem-Solving Process at St. Patrick School Strengths/Concerns Noted NotedProblem Identification Identification Progress Monitoring And Evaluation Intervention SelectedProblem & ImplementedAnalysis Intervention Intervention Generation Generation
St. Patrick School