Chocolate —a confectionery product made using cocoa.
Chocolate grades Depending on flavor, chocolate is divided into bitter, milk and white. Also chocolate products can have aromatic additives, food additives or a stuffing.
Bitter chocolate Bitter chocolate is made from grated cocoa, powdered sugar and cocoa butter.
Milk chocolate Milk chocolate is made of cocoa, powdered sugar and powdered milk.
White chocolate White chocolate is made from cocoa butter, sugar, powdered milk and vanillin, without cocoa powder
History of chocolate The homeland of chocolate and cocoa tree is Central and South America.
In Europe the first cocoa beans were brought by Christopher Columbus for the King of Spain
Interesting facts about chocolate In the world there are some chocolate museums World Chocolate Day is celebrate on 11th of July In 30 g of milk chocolate there is about 140 calories. The biggest chocolate bar was 5,574 kg