Eradicating domestic violence against women OPINION of the European Economic and Social Committee 21/12/2012, EU-Turkey JCC, Ankara Mário Soares
Eradicating domestic violence against women the focus of the opinion is on domestic violence against women. "any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life"
Eradicating domestic violence against women Domestic violence against women is not a problem of women domestic violence against women is a question of human rights It is a governments' responsibility
Eradicating domestic violence against women Some fingers 45% of women in the EU say they have suffered gender-based violence at some point. Between 40% and 45% say they have suffered sexual harassment at work. It is estimated that in Europe seven women die every day as a result of gender-based violence A survey carried out by Euro barometer in 2010 showed that the public (98% of those surveyed) is largely aware of this phenomenon and that it is prevalent in society (one in four people said that they knew a woman who was a victim of domestic violence and one in five said they knew a perpetrator of domestic violence)
Eradicating domestic violence against women Some Questions Despite efforts over the last few decades by public authorities why this form of violence is still viewed as a private problem Despite domestic violence is a crime sanctioned by law why it is one of the main causes of female mortality
Eradicating domestic violence against women It is important to identify the underlying causes of this phenomenon gender stereotypes and a patriarchal society the gender-based division of labour inequalities between women and men in terms of pay differences, promotions at work, etc.
Eradicating domestic violence against women Two specific questions A incorrect presumption of culture Culture is intimately linked to the exercise of power the under-representation of women at different levels of power
Eradicating domestic violence against women The EESC recommends that European institutions and EU Member States Human rights: tackle domestic gender-based violence as an aspect of human rights Security and risk patterns: adopt measures to change security and risk patterns Prevention: develop a domestic violence prevention policy Protection policies: guarantee women who have been victims of violence priority access
Eradicating domestic violence against women The EESC recommends that European institutions and EU Member States Standardisation of statistical criteria: pursue efforts to standardise the criteria Education: ensure that education helps to change people's mentalities Media: ensure effective implementation of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive Health: reinforce the belief that domestic violence against women is a health-risk variable; Joint responsibility: consolidate and support measures promoting joint responsibility for men and women
Eradicating domestic violence against women The EESC recommends that European institutions and EU Member States Civil society organisations: Provide support for organisations which work with women who have been victims of domestic violence European Year of Combating Gender-based Violence: dedicate a European year to the fight against gender-based violence; Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence; The EESC calls on the European Union and all Member States to sign, ratify and implement this convention, which was adopted by the Council of Europe in 2011
Eradicating domestic violence against women THANK YOU