My candle burns at both ends; It will not last the night; But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends- It gives a lovely light. Edna St. Vincent Millay
Social and Political Issues Entertainment: the 1920’s marked the rise of a trend toward a national identity with popular entertainment the development of a more urban society, More leisure time thanks to new innovations Movies, organized sporting events (baseball!), and music were popular
Scopes Trial – known as the “monkey trial” Science (Evolution) vs. Religion(Fundamentalism) –John Scopes teaching of the Darwin’s Theory of Evolution in Tennessee in stead of teaching only Bible’s Creationism. –the modern media made this case a national event (Lawyers: Clarence Darrow, for the defendant; William Jennings Bryan for prosecution)
Prohibition A battle over moral values, the 18th Amendment banned the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages the law became unenforceable – organized crime, smuggling and bootlegging grew (Olean’s “Little Chicago” reputation!) the 21st Amendment repealed the failed “noble experiment”( the 18 th Amendment- Prohibition)
Red Scare a reaction to the Communist victory in the Russian Revolution of 1917 labor strikes, urban riots, and unsolved bombings led to a national hysteria against foreign born persons…suspected of being communists, anarchists, etc.!!! Palmer raids Palmer raids – US Attorney General arrested & deported immigrants suspected of Communist ties…No trials, hearings!
The “Soviet Ark” used to transport suspected Communists out of US
Sacco and Vanzetti tied to the Red Scare convicted of a murder and bank robbery many believe they were unfairly convicted because of their personal beliefs and Italian heritage the evidence against them was weak they were executed “pardoned” in 1977!
KKK and Racial Unrest Era of segregation –Jim Crow rules the South Increased fears for jobs due to “Great Migration” (see pg. 8) 1919“Red Summer” – riots in many major cities –Rosewood, Florida destroyed by angry whites after false accusation of a black man attacking a white women Resurgence of Ku Klux Klan originally against African- Americans, became anti- Catholic, Jew and Immigrants supported only white, Protestant, and American- born
1920’s Changing moral values Urban vs. Rural Religion vs. Science New wealth “conspicuous consumption”…spend!!! Materialism – “keep up with the Jones” New morality “Lost Generation” searches for meaning in life “Anything goes!” approach to life Yet intolerance toward immigrants and African- Americans?!
Literature New cultural values became expressed in the popular literature of the age – F. Scott Fitzgerald – “The Great Gatsby” (Lost Generation searching for meaning) Authors protested the growth of business, the conformity of the times, American’s preoccupation with material possessions, and the devastation of war. – Ernest Hemingway “A Farwell To Arms”
The Great Migration During and after WW I, African Americans moved from the south to the northeast and midwest in search of industrial jobs – which paid more than sharecropping Resulted in increased racial tensions and anti-immigrant (nativist) feelings due to fears of job loss and wage decreases.
Harlem Renaissance A growth in popularity of African American writers, musicians, and artists centered in the Harlem district of New York City W.E.B. DuBois, Langston Hughes, were just some of the influential writers
Jazz music A blend of African, European, and American sounds began in New Orleans – then up to Chicago – the over to New York born in the African-American experience, it soon became popular with white audiences the 1920’s became know as the “Jazz Age”
I, Too, Sing America by Langston HughesLangston Hughes I, too, sing America. I am the darker brother. They send me to eat in the kitchen When company comes, But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong. Tomorrow, I'll be at the table When company comes. Nobody'll dare Say to me, "Eat in the kitchen," Then. Besides, They'll see how beautiful I am And be ashamed -- I, too, am America.
“Roaring” 20’s? Intolerant 20’s? BOTH!!!