1 ME di T erranean I ntroduction of GNSS S ervices Exploiting EGNOS/Galileo services in MEDA Growing Galileo 2009, Brussels 27 January 2009
2 Euro-MED GNSS MEDA area: 10 countries in the Mediterranean basin METIS: July December 2009 Funded by EC DG AIDCO and managed by GSA EU-MEDA team of private/public organizations Main stakeholders from the 10 MEDA countries METIS goal: to prepare the GNSS services introduction in MEDA A.GNSS Regional Plan B.Awareness & Training C.Real-life demos
3 Growing Galileo 2009, Brussels 27 January 2009 Euro-Mediterranean policy in support of GNSS: , EGNOS A. GNSS Regional Plan Joint-elaboration with MEDA stakeholders Discussion/refinement with MEDA decision-makers Shared roadmap guiding the introduction of GNSS services: Infrastructure and service needs Opportunities Service enablers Costs and benefits Actions and actors Endorsed by 7 MEDA States Discussion with 2 MEDA States planned
4 Growing Galileo 2009, Brussels 27 January 2009 EGNOS services opportunities in MEDA ( ) EGNOS operational in the area in 2011
5 Growing Galileo 2009, Brussels 27 January 2009 Benefits created by using EGNOS over the 10 years NPV (M) 67, ,916,416,2 3,4 1513,112,6 0,2 From MEDA State view point Tuned on priority markets NPV (direct and indirect benefits) created by using in MEDA over 200 M 8 MEDA States agreed to participate to EGNOS cost
6 Growing Galileo 2009, Brussels 27 January 2009 Early implementation of service enablers: Experimentation of EGNOS technology Demonstrations of EGNOS services in operative uses Promotion & validation of business opportunities Training B. & C. METIS early implementation
7 Growing Galileo 2009, Brussels 27 January 2009 Introducing EGNOS/Galileo services in MEDA MEDA area is interesting for EU GNSS EU GNSS services introduction in MEDA area is a challenge: Stakeholders commitment/investments now for the long-term Joint EU-MEDA Institutions actions/support needed Regional Plan & specific National Plans Specific strategy for each market in each country Both EU and MEDA could benefit METIS is a valuable framework providing EU with first hand experience on MEDA GNSS markets
8 Growing Galileo 2009, Brussels 27 January Thank you Antonella Di Fazio Telespazio