Степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке Автор: Мелешко О.Г. Учитель МБОУ «Лицей Сигма» г. Барнаул.


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Presentation transcript:

Степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке Автор: Мелешко О.Г. Учитель МБОУ «Лицей Сигма» г. Барнаул

Look for a minute for these men. Remember the information about them. DavidTomGeorge Age: 25 kgs Age: 30 kgs Age: 35 Weight: 70 kgsWeight: 72Weight: 75 kgs Height: 1.68 Height: 1.72 Height: 1.80 Salary: £800/month Salary: £1000/month Salary: £1500/month House: 3 roomsHouse: 4 rooms House: 5 rooms

Complete the sentences. DavidTomGeorge 1. (young) David is.. younger than Tom and George. 2. (old) George and Tom are _____David. 3. (heavy)George is the ____ of all. 4. (light) Tom is_____ David. 5. (tall) George is the____ of all. 6.(tall) George is ______ Tom. 7. (old) George is ______Tom. 8. (small) David's house is ____Tom's. 9.(big) Tom's house is ____David's 10. (big)George's house is the _______ of all.

В английском языке некоторые прилагательные образуют сравнительную и превосходную степень по особенному Good – better- the best Bad – worse- the worst Little -less -the least Much – more – the most

Who is the best hero?

Who is the best bride?

Who of them is the worst stepmother?

Who is a better king?

Who has got more money?

Who is a better student?

Compare 1. These jeans are ___ than those. (good) 2. These dolls are ___ than those. (good) 3. This dress is ____ than that jacket. (little) 4. His bike is _____ than her. (bad) 5. Jim is a _____ student than Alex. (good) 6. This picture is _____ than that picture. (bad) 7. This pig is _____ than that dog. (bad) 8. These fish are ___ than those. (good) 9. This snowman is ___ than that. (bad) 10. Mr. Blackis a ___ businessman than Mr. White. (bad)

Thank you for attention!

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