Psychology Oswayo Valley High School
“I think, therefore I am” Introduction
It is the “input” stage
It is the “processing” stage
It is the “output” stage
Ivan Pavlov ( ) John B Watson ( )
Pavlov’s Experiment
Watson’s Experiment The Case of Little Albert “Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select—doctor, lawyer, merchant-chief, and yes, even beggar man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors.” (1930, John B. Watson)
B F Skinner ( )
Fixed Ratio Fixed Ratio Reinforcement after a fixed number of responses NumberTime Predictable Unpredictable Variable Ratio Variable Ratio Reinforcement after varying number of responses Fixed Interval Reinforcement of first response after a fixed amount of time has passed Variable Interval Variable Interval Reinforcement of first response after varying amounts of time
Albert Bandura (1925-)
(Tolman, 1930)
In 1925, lawyer William Jennings Bryan prosecuted John Scopes for teaching evolution and won the case. In1919, many states were won over to the cause of the Eighteenth Amendment, which prohibited the sale of liquor. Fourteen years later the Twenty-First Amendment repealed the Eighteenth. In 1925, lawyer William Jennings Bryan prosecuted a young high school teacher named John Scopes who wanted to give students information about evolution. The trial took on the atmosphere of a circus. It became a free-for-all, with shouting by “liberated” (for that time) college students and young reporters who reflected antireligious feeling that was then erupting in the country. The teacher was found guilty, so Bryan won the case, but he was mocked so much during the trial that some people believe that this led to his death five days later.
Material to be Learned: grocery list (milk, eggs, celery, etc.) Method of Locations: imagine a familiar location and place the items to be remembered in various areas of that location. It is usually effective to enlarge the items in a bizarre way. How the information is stored: The sink is filled with milk that overflows onto the floor. Giant eggs roll along the tabletop. On the chairs, sitting at attention, are giant celery stalks; they prevent the eggs from falling.
Material to be Learned: The planets Acronym: Take the first letter of each item on a list and make a word How the information is stored: MyMercury Very Venus EducatedEarth MotherMars JustJupiter Showed Saturn UsUranus NineNeptune PlanetsPluto
Material to be Learned: A part of the brain: the cerebellum, which controls balance Narrative Chaining: Tie together the material to be learned into a story How the information is stored: He hit me in the cerebellum with a brick, and I was thrown off balance….
Picture Credits Exercising Brain Brain (with vessels) Descartes Pavlov Watson Pavlov – before, during after Pavlov - diagram Pavlov cartoon Little Albert Marlboro Man Michelin Tire Ad
Picture Credits Rat with Flag Honeybee Shylock