Established –1997 in Copenhagen by 6 National RC Societies Aim –Improving the situation of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants by strengthening cooperation amongst RC-NS 1. PERCO in Brief
Key Objectives - Provide a framework to facilitate cooperation & networking - Improve the capacity of RC-NS in the field of asylum and migration - Develop RC activities in the area of migration and asylum - Strengthen advocacy role of RC-NS - Share Experience & Promote Good Practice 1. PERCO in Brief
Members –21 RC-NS Observers –RC EU-Office: information on EU policies and funding opportunities. –IFRC: information about developments within the movement –ICRC: contribution on issues of common interest (e.g.: tracing, detention) 1. PERCO in Brief
Membership - qualifications Open to all National Societies from EU-Member States European Free Trade Area - Member States EU Accession Countries SAP-Countries 1. PERCO in Brief
Framework / Working Method –Terms of Reference –Biannual Strategy –Meetings: General Meeting & Annual General Meeting –Steering Group Meetings –Working Groups on Specific Topics / Focal Points –Work Plans –Drafting of Position Papers –Website 1. PERCO in Brief
Steering Group 2 Co-Chairs: Austrian and Finnish RC 4 PERCO Members 3 Observers 1. PERCO in Brief
2. Major Achievements Publications –Guidelines on “Cultural Diversity”, “Reception of Asylum Seekers”, “Repatriation” –Survey on „Irregular Migration“ and Development of Recommendations to NS –Expert Input for Position Papers of EU-Office (e.g. Green Paper on Economic Migration) –Discussion Paper on Role of NS in Detention –Discussion Paper on Transit Processing Centres
2. Major Achievements Activities –Representing IFRC during European Hearing of the Global Commission on International Migration (Budapest 2004) –Expert base for ERF-Projects Open Forum on Reception 2003 Open Forum on Reception & Health 2006 Open Forum on Return 2006 –Active Role of PERCO network in the Preparation Process of the European Regional Conference 2007 – Consultants to the RC EU office on common EU-policies in the migration field
2. Major Achievements Well functioning network of experts on migration / asylum which serves the RC movement in terms of source for project partnerships technical expertise
Five Key Topics –Return –Integration / Anti-Discrimination –Detention –Reception –Irregular migration 3. The next two years