科学坐姿 5 身正 4 腰直 3 肩平 2 足安 1 目视前方 六下第一单元 tall … strong old young short funny thin Can you say out more adjective words? 预习检测 : 你能说出更多的形容词吗 ? small big.


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Presentation transcript:

科学坐姿 5 身正 4 腰直 3 肩平 2 足安 1 目视前方 六下第一单元

tall … strong old young short funny thin Can you say out more adjective words? 预习检测 : 你能说出更多的形容词吗 ? small big heavy long happy

one hundred and … centimeter 139cm 150cm 142cm 152cm 146cm Can you say the numbers? 预习检测 : 你能这些数字吗 ? 140cm

How old are you? I am … years old. How tall are you? I am … cm tall.

I’m 158cm tall. cm = centimeter 厘 米 158cm Mary

I’m 226 cm tall.

. Mary is shorter than Yao Ming. than Yao Ming. Yao Ming is taller than Mary. than Mary.

开伦 126 cm 236 cm A is …er than B.

The elephant is… The cat is … older than the cat. younger than the elephant.

Tang Gonghong(120kg) kg=kilogram Liu Chunhong 70 kg Liu Chunhong is thinner than Tang Gonghong. Tang Gonghong is stronger than Liu Chunhong. A is …er than B.

talltaller thin thinner heavy heavier 定点凝视训练:发现规律 形容词比较级构成法 : 1 、大部分直接在后面加 er 2 、双写加 er 3 、以辅音字母加 y 结尾,把 y 改为 i ,再加 er 4 、以 e 有结尾的, 直接加 r nice nicer 头不动 眼不眨 30 秒

Let’s read tall--taller short--shorter young--younger old----older strong--stronger thin-thinner big-? small-? high-? low-? smart-? strict-? nice-? fat-? cm=centimeter 厘米 kg=kilogram 公斤 千克

The man is … The woman is… stronger than the woman. thinner than the man. Can you say ?

The bear is shorter than the giraffe. The giraffe is taller than the bear.

Let’s Chant Tall, taller, I’m taller than you. Short, shorter, you’re shorter than me. Strong, stronger, he’s stronger than Amy. Young, younger, she’s younger than John.

一、写出下列形容词的比较级形式。 1. tall________ 2. short_________ 3. old______ 4. young ________ 5. strong ______ 6. long _______ 7.small_______ 8. big_______ 二、连词成句,注意大小写和标点。 1. than You are taller me. _____________________________ 2. long is How your bed ? ______________________________ 3. you bigger and stronger than am I. ______________________________ tallershorter olderyounger strongerlonger smallerbigger You are taller than me. How long is your bed ? I am bigger and stronger than you.

模仿造句 例: M ary tall LiuYun Mary is taller than LiuYun. 1.the elephant, strong, the bear 2. your sister, tall, you 3. Tom, short, you 4.John, young, Wu Yifan 答案: 1. The elephant is stronger than the bear. 2. Your sister is taller than you. 3. Tom is shorter than you. 4. John is younger thana Wu Yifan.

big monkey little monkey A : Which monkey do you like ? B : I like the …monkey. The big monkey is ____,_____,_____and_____. bigger older taller stronger The little monkey is ______,_____and______. smaller younger shorter funnier funny

I have a friend. She’s one year younger than me. She’s taller than me,but I’m thinner. She has long hair and small eyes. Draw a picture 年

Read and copy new words 4 times. Have a look at the things and people around you and describe them. (比一比身边的人和事,并描述一 下.)

Thank you! Bye!