Update on the Internet Research Task Force Aaron Falk IRTF Chair IETF-72 – Dublin
IETF Dublin, Ireland2 IRTF Status Four Research Groups (RGs) met this week –Anti-Spam RG –Routing RG (Fri) –Host Identity Payload RG –Mobility Optimizations RG Reviewing the Anti-Spam RG with the IAB (tomorrow)
IRTF RFCs 3 IRTF Stream RFCs published: – RFC5166: Metrics for the Evaluation of Congestion Control Mechanisms (TMRG) – RFC5184: Unified Layer 2 (L2) Abstractions for Layer 3 (L3)-Driven Fast Handover (MOBOPTS RG) – RFC5207: NAT and Firewall Traversal Issues of Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Communication (HIPRG) 3 IRTF drafts in RFC Editor queue 2 drafts in progress towards publication Draft to formally establish an IRTF RFC document stream should be out in coming weeks –Publication is entwined with draft-iab-streams-headers- boilerplates and revision to RFC3932 –Discussion of these documents to take place on rfc- interest mail list IETF Dublin, Ireland3
Suggestions for New Work Continued interest in an RGs on –unwanted traffic mitigations –network virtualization IETF Dublin, Ireland4
A few RG highlights...
IETF Dublin, Ireland6 Anti-Spam RG draft-irtf-asrg-dnsbl –Draft on mechanisms used for blacklists –To be standards track draft-irtf-asrg-bcp-blacklists –Recommendations on blacklist operations Populating wiki on spam mitigation techniques –May evolve to document analyzing the worst (WCP) –
Mobility Optimizations RG Published RFC Unified Layer 2 (L2) Abstractions for Layer 3 (L3)-Driven Fast Handover Current topics: –IP Mobility Location Privacy Solutions – revising based on IRSG review –Media-Independent Pre-Authentication Framework – revising based on RG last call done –Multicast Mobility – Problem Statement and Brief Survey being discussed IETF Dublin, Ireland7
8 Routing Research Group Focus has moved from advocating proposals to discussing tradeoffs of different architectural approaches –Lots of discussion (1250 msgs since IETF-71) Planning publication of recommendation by March 2009 Meeting Friday
Host Identity Protocol RG Published RFC5207: NAT and Firewall Traversal Issues of Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Communication Topics of discussion: Migration of HIP certificate draft to HIP WG Using HIP for RFID Middlebox authentication extensions to HIP HIP experiments: Boeing: using HIP to build secure overlay networks over untrusted wireless and wired infrastructure HIIT: A video/voice/chat communication system on Linux PDAs utilizing P2PSIP with SPAM prevention over HIP ICSAlabs: IPv6 only HIP connectivity for gaming and SIP applications using Teredo IETF Dublin, Ireland9
10 Delay Tolerant Networking RG Three drafts in RFC Ed queue on DTN for deep-space communication (draft-irtf- dtnrg-ltp-*) DTN code base has been moved from Intel to Sourceforge. The N4C project help with the code maintenance DARPA is funding a phase 3 effort/18 month on DTN.
IETF Dublin, Ireland11 Internet Congestion Control RG Congestion control proposal reviews: –Compound TCP (nearly done) –CUBIC (just beginning) –HTCP (just beginning) Slow Start design team: Ongoing work on characterizing issues with slow star Surveys: –Open congestion control research issues (under discussion) –Current congestion control RFCs (in IRSG review) Next meeting in Minneapolis
IETF Dublin, Ireland12 Network Management RG SNMP trace exchange formats doc in IRSG review Planning meeting to discuss NETFLOW/IPFIX data analysis –Oct 30, Munich Doc on SNMP trace analysis definitions has been published in AIMS 2008 conference RG is looking for new chairs
Scalable, Adaptive Multicast RG RG is meeting on conjunction with IEEE CCNC 2009, Jan 10-13, 2009 –Special session on Scalable Adaptive Multicast in P2P Overlays –More info at -> meetings Possibly meeting in Minneapolis IETF Dublin, Ireland13
Transport Modeling RG Published RFC5166: Metrics for the Evaluation of Congestion Control Mechanisms New draft: "Common TCP Evaluation Suite", L. Andrew and S. Floyd, Editors, Internet-draft draft-irtf-tmrg-tests-00.txt, work in progress, July IETF Dublin, Ireland14
IETF Dublin, Ireland 15