The Changing Role of the State In the International Relations Today
What is unnusal on the pictures?
The Role of States is Declining Number of soveriegn states in the 1930’s Some 70 states Number of sovereign states today Some states Smaller, weaker states, more land-locked states Less power, land, natural resources or % of total world population per a state So weaker most of the old, important (in IR) states
Crime ‘Cross border activity’ with international or transnational characteristics Economic power Organiser of a state’s economy (eg. drugs as govt. program, distribution, markets, foreign trade, labour market, social security etc) Division of economy in global scale (Italian, Russian, Japanese etc. Profile) Also anti crime measurements in international level (Interpol, FBI, border security in CIS, etc) Location of crime: a local theatre (eg. Russians in London, in Budapest: find examples)
Health Diseases (find examples) Food safety scandals, genetically modified food, expired Fast global mass transport ‘quarantine’ is impossible WHO as global respond (Taiwan is not a member, SARS) One state can not solve health problems alone Drugs as well
Global Economy Isolation is impossible Stock Exchange Currencies Multinational and transnational companies Globalisation as an economic phenomena Increasing international trade, interactions No distances (eg. internet)
New Levels in International Relations International Organisations State Province, Region, etc. weak-strong-weak Strong-weak-strong
Cultural Problems Globalisation No more local culture Less and less unique in culture Mass media Tourism migration
Other Issues Please make some extra notes Science, technical revolution Communication, IT Internet Environment Globalisation vs Regionalisation Other states and International organisations influencing the state
Summary States get weaker in the International Relations With less role Less competence Less power Less decision