January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels1 Kick off meeting with the EC January 9, 2007 Brussels, Belgium ERA TENDER Tender 13A – OJ 2006/S (SMART 2006/0035) ERA co-ordination initiative in the field of Networked Enterprise
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels2 Overall Scope of the Study The aim: … to facilitate the networking and the European, national and regional co-ordination of the research activities in the four key areas of ICT for Enterprise Networking… The Four Areas: Technologies for Business Networking Technologies for Digital Ecosystems Ambient Intelligence Technologies for the Product Lifecycle Enterprise Interoperability Geographical Scope: EU-27 + Turkey
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels3 Specific Objectives 1/2 To analyse the main European, national and regional funded research and deployment ICT policies/initiatives closely linked with the four targeted key research areas; To analyse ongoing FP6 projects, clusters & policy-related activities in the Networked Enterprise & RFID Unit (D5) with respect to ERA co-ordination; To compare the above two and identify synergies and key actions to be discussed with national and regional representatives; To identify the national & regional representatives from the public sector and initiate discussions; To identify potential members of the community of national and regional decision-makers, as well as experts;
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels4 Specific Objectives 2/2 To identify the organisations that act as effective knowledge hubs in the key research areas of ICT for Enterprise networking; To set up the interfaces between national and regional authorities, the Commission and the projects and clusters in order to define and contribute to the follow-up of an action plan; To organise workshops (with European/ national/regional authorities, research programme managers, clusters), to promote co-ordination and establish a final action plan that could contribute to the definition of priorities in FP7; To identify good practices and to define recommended actions to promote better knowledge flows and improved co- ordination at European, national and regional levels.
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels5 Characteristics & Particularities of the Study Networking and co-ordination are the two key words that dominate the main objective of the study. The study targets a narrow / specific research area in contrast with most other relevant studies. The study combines a bottom-up (FP6 projects Policy level) and top-down approach (Policies/initiatives research). The national / regional policies / initiatives are not often specifically refer to the four key research areas. Usually they cover a much broader research area. Therefore: The identification of relevant national / regional policies / initiatives and their correlation with the four key areas, is an ambitious and challenging task.
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels6 Work plan
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels7 Methodological Steps
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels8Deliverables
January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels9 Work-plan for the first 3 months January 9, 2007 Brussels, Belgium ERA TENDER Tender 13A – OJ 2006/S (SMART 2006/0035) ERA co-ordination initiative in the field of Networked Enterprise
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels10 WP1: Analysis of research ICT Policies / Initiatives (1/5) Objectives… To create an inventory of initiatives / policies To focus on the 4 key areas of research To cover European and national initiatives / policies and initiatives / policies from selected (main, representative) regions To analyse strengths and weaknesses To identify missing initiatives/policies To identify good practices of cooperation
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels11 WP1: Analysis of research ICT Policies / Initiatives (2/5) Task 1.1: National Reports Finalise the Templates and Specs (National Report, Questionnaire, Country Profile, …). Review of studies, reports, publications, data (per country). Identification of representatives, decision makers, experts (per country). On average: 10 phone / face-2-face interviews (per country) – Approx. 280 in total. Preparation of the National Reports. Outcome: 28 National Reports on Policies / Initiatives (M3)
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels12 WP1: Analysis of research ICT Policies / Initiatives (3/5) Task 1.2: European Report Finalise the Templates and Specs (European Report, Questionnaire, …). Collection of European studies, reports, publications. Analysis of European policies / Initiatives Identification and selection of 30 European Experts and decision makers. 10 phone / face-2-face interviews with European experts Early rough assessment of the interrelations among European and national policies Preparation of the European Report Outcome: European Report on Policies / Initiatives (M3)
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels13 WP1: Analysis of research ICT Policies / Initiatives (4/5) Task 1.3: Compendium of European, national, regional policies/initiatives in the 4 key areas Finalise the Compendium Template and Specs. Review of the national and European reports. Analyse strengths and weaknesses Identify missing initiatives/policies Identify good practices of cooperation Preparation of the Compendium Outcome: Compendium of Policies / Initiatives (M4)
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels14 WP1: Analysis of research ICT Policies / Initiatives (5/5) Duration - Deliverables - Milestones
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels15 WP2: Analysis of FP6 Projects & Policy-related Activities (1/6) Objectives… To create a compendium of Units policy-related activities (+ actions of FP6 projects & clusters regarding ERA coordination) To analyse the strengths and weaknesses of those activities. To identify missing activities / actions that should be addressed in the future. To describe key success factors for ERA co-ordination and areas where benefits from ERA co-ordination can be gained To unveil good practices of ERA co-ordination
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels16 WP2: Analysis of FP6 Projects & Policy-related Activities (2/6) Task 2.1: Preliminary collection of info on projects and clusters Finalise the Templates and Specs (Project profile, Questionnaire, …). Preliminary collection of available material (Policies, initiatives, clusters, etc) – Input by EC. Preparation of a rough Taxonomy for the 4 key areas. Outcome: Preliminary Info + Rough Taxonomy (M1)
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels17 WP2: Analysis of FP6 Projects & Policy-related Activities (3/6) Task 2.2: Interaction with the Unit & the Clusters Representatives Interaction with about 10 Officers of the Unit (analysis of activities and priorities). Contact & feedback from the 4 Clusters Coordinators. Analysis of policy related activities and priority actions of the Unit and Clusters. Outcome: Policy related activities in Cluster and Unit level (M4)
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels18 WP2: Analysis of FP6 Projects & Policy-related Activities (4/6) Task 2.3: Direct contacts with the projects Finalisation of project profile template Contact of 50 projects (Interviews of about 70 coordinators or major partners) Contact of 10 reviewers. Collection of information for about 50 projects. Creation of 50 project profiles. Outcome: 50 project profiles (M4)
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels19 WP2: Analysis of FP6 Projects & Policy-related Activities (5/6) Task 2.4: Compendium of ERA co-ordination actions Analysis of Strengths & Weaknesses of ERA activities (in project, cluster and Unit level). Identification of missing activities / actions. Description of key success factors and areas. Identification of Good Practises + a short benchmark exercise. Elaboration of the Compendium. Outcome: Compendium of ERA co-ordination actions in the Networked Enterprise & RFID Unit (M5)
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels20 Duration - Deliverables - Milestones WP2: Analysis of FP6 Projects & Policy-related Activities (6/6)
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels21 Preparing the ground for WP3 & WP4 (1/2) Based on the already identified (WP1 & WP2): Projects & policy related activities and priority actions, European, national, regional policies / initiatives. WP3 will perform a comparative analysis of them towards: The identification of common synergies and interests among policies/priority actions. The identification of Strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities and key success factors for ERA Co-ordination. The identification of key actions in the 4 research areas and the provision of recommendations. Synthesis of all the above in the 1 st Version of the Comparative Analysis.
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels22 Preparing the ground for WP3 & WP4 (2/2) Based on the already identified (WP1 & WP2): List of national & regional reps from the public sector. List of national and regional decision makers and experts (public & private sector). WP4 (Identification of Actors – Launch of Discussions) will: Finalise a complete list of European national & regional key actors in the area of Network Enterprise & RFID. Identify the key organisations acting as Knowledge Hubs. Produce a Draft Co-ordination Action Plan which will include recommendations for better ERA co-ordination. Launch the initial discussions among the above stakeholders. Prepare the ground for the workshops.
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels23 WP7: Dissemination Actions Objective: To promote the ERA Co-ordination Initiative, increase its visibility and disseminate the Studys Outcome. To encourage the creation of close, long-term links between European, National & Regional key actors and decision makers. In the first 3 months: Requirements, specs, design, initial content of the Website (Web-forum, web-consultation). Initial full version (M4). Concept, logo, leaflets & posters templates, mailing lists, dissemination and promotion plan & targets. Selection of dissemination actions per country (Input by National Experts). 1 st press release introducing the project to the targeted community.
ERA CO-ORDINATION INITIATIVE January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels24 WP8: Implementation & Communication Planning & Management Objective: To ensure effective planning & management of the Study. To produce & update the implementation & communication Plan. In the first 3 months: Quality Plan Launch of the cooperation with Experts and Management Launch of the cooperation with the EC. Preparation for the first reporting (M3).
January 9, 2007Kick-off meeting, Brussels25 Thank You !!! Kostas Bougiouklis Dimitris Papageorgiou Q-PLAN North Greece Ltd