SFY 2013 (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013)
DARMHA stands for Data Assessment Registry Mental Health and Addiction. Providers can submit information three ways ▪ Via the website, ▪ Via import ▪ Via Web Services
2010 Numbers 2011 Numbers 2012 Numbers Number of Providers: Number of Users:7,7858,6499,650 Number of Encounters for DMHA Providers:5,870,54047,911,04752,950,039 Number of Assessments for DMHA Providers:213,784750,785980,036 Number of NOMS for DMHA Providers:226,3361,332,2311,590,755
All HAP Eligible individuals served should be included in DARMHA. In DARMHA, these individuals should have the following records: ConsumerEpisode NOMS (National Outcomes Measures) EBP (Evidence Based Practices) DiagnosisAgreement Type CANS/ANSA AssessmentEncounters (services)
Episode data - update every 180 days Assessments - new one every 180 days NOMS record - new one every 180 days Diagnosis record - at least one record needed EBP record - new one every 180 days Agreement Type record - at least one record needed Note: Reassessment performance measures are calculated using 210 days.
Grant reporting SAPT (Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment) Mental Health Block Grant DASIS (Drug and Alcohol Services Information System) Performance Measures Consumer Outcomes
Manuals and assessment material can be found on the DARMHA website under Documents. The SFY 2013 Manuals currently available are the following: ▪ SFY 2013 Required Data from DMHA Contracted Providers ▪ SFY 2013 DARMHA Import Specifications Manual ▪ SFY 2013 DARMHA Web Services Specifications Manual ▪ SFY 2013 Performance Measure Definitions
There will be six new data elements. One data element was removed, the SOF indicator. Emphasis this year will be on complete, current and accurate data.
Education Level has been moved to the NOMS record so that we can ensure current data. In addition, there are three new options for this data element (Nursery School/Pre- school (including Head Start), Kindergarten, and Self- contained Special Education Class (no equivalent grade level) School Attendance Status : Required for children ages = Yes, consumer has attended school at any time in the past three month 0 = No, consumer has not attended school at any time in the past three months -3 = Not applicable (use for infants and adults)
Housing Category : 1 = Permanent Housing 2 = Temporary Housing 3 = Institutional Housing 4 = Homeless Housing Stability: Approximately how long has the consumer been living in the Housing Category (permanent, temporary, institutional, homeless) identified? 1 = Less than 6 months 2 = 6 months to one year 3 = One to two years 4 = More than 2 years
Level of Residential Support : -3 = Not applicable (if Housing Category is not 1 or 2; list as -3) 1 = Residential Support not needed or not provided 2 = Living with person(s) who provide supportive services in the home that are needed by the consumer in order to maintain the living situation. 3 = Access to paid support in the consumer’s residence as needed 4 = Access to paid support in the consumer’s residence 5 or more days per week for up to 8 hours 5 = Access to paid support in the consumer’s residence 5 or more days per week for 9 to 16 hours 6 = Access to paid support in the consumer’s residence 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
Level of Community Integration: -3 = Not applicable (if Housing Category is not 1 or 2; list as -3) 1 = Living environment is fully integrated in the community 2 = Living environment is home to persons with mental health/addiction issues, persons with other disabilities, and persons without identified disabilities. 3 = Living environment is home to persons with mental health/addiction issues only. Homeless Services -3 = Not applicable (if Housing Category is not 4; list as -3) 1 = Daily 2 = Weekly 3 = Monthly 4 = Less frequently 5 = None 6 = Consumer refuses assistance
DARMHA QA will be ready for testing SFY 2013 data requirements June 1, All data submitted after June 30 th will need to comply with the SFY 2013 data requirements even if it is SFY 2012 data (except for encounters with service dates before July 1 st ).
Percentage of Complete Open Episodes Report This report has looked for at least one record of each type; according to this standard, the system is at 96.49%. Soon, this report will look at having current data (over 210 days since a NOMS or CANS/ANSA are also added). Using this new standard, 86.54% of DARMHA’s currently active consumers have current data.
DARMHA contains many diagnosis, NOMS, EBP and agreement type records from the same date. DARMHA contains active consumers with no name. DARMHA contains consumers that are duplicated, including duplicated consumers with the same Internal ID. DARMHA contains consumers with more than one episode open.
Additional Reports to assist in the data quality effort Duplicate Records – NOMS, EBP, Diagnosis, Agreement Type (NEW Reports) Missing Names Report Duplicate Internal IDs Report Possible Duplicates (NEW Report) More Than One Open Episode Report We will also be ing data staff as we become aware of data issues, such as first name/last name being switched.
Wendy Harrold, Assistant Deputy Director, IT & Reporting Services, (317) DARMHA Support (317) MRO Data Questions