Week 12: Social Commerce MIS5001: Management Information Systems David S. McGettigan Adapted from material by Arnold Kurtz, David Schuff, and Paul Weinberg
Agenda Prior Lecture Recap Social Commerce Class Capstone Exercise Next Week 2
Prior Lecture Recap
4 eCommerce Features and associated business value of the Web B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B, eGovernment Crowdsourcing Characteristics Benefits Drawbacks Source: “State of the CIO”
Social Commerce The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. Our is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. Omar N. Bradley
Social Commerce Social Commerce – essentially using social media as part of eCommcerce Examples: Rating sites Online shopping or “social shopping” Class Discussion: What sites do you use? What are the business models for each and are they sustainable? Are their opportunities for “traditional” businesses to partner or acquire them? 6
Example: Angie’s List 7 Source: angieslist.com Angie’s List Demo
Example: TurnTo.com 8 Source: turnto.com
Background on Recruiting What is the business process around recruiting? Taleo Demo How would the business process differ for executive recruiting? 9
Google Case In what ways do you think the hiring manager is better or worse off for having additional data available via a Google search? What do you think the hiring manager should do? What aspects of the expert commentary do you agree and disagree? 10
Next Week Apple Case and Course Review