Intro to Microbiology & Immunology Dr. C. Rose Kyrtsos Sept. 12, 2012
LOs Learn about the most common infections affecting people today What infectious diseases have you had? Common modes of transmission Prevention methods
Key Terms HIV/AIDS Influenza African Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) Cholera Dengue fever Hepatitis A/B/C (most common disease on the planet) Leishmaniasis Malaria Measles Meningitis Onchocerciasis (river blindness) Pneumonia Rotavirus Schistosomiasis Shigellosis Tuberculosis Typhoid fever Yellow fever
What is microbiology? Why is it important? Case studies…..
Case Study #1 A 22 year old male presents to your clinic with right upper quadrant pain, loss of appetite and fatigue. He also has occasional joint pains and has noticed that his urine has appeared dark recently. Symptoms started to appear a few months ago, but have gotten worse in the past few days when he started feeling nauseous and vomiting. You note on the physical exam that his skin and sclera appear yellowish, and that his liver is enlarged (hepatomegaly). His social history is significant for having multiple sexual partners in the last year.
Section of liver damaged by disease
What is the most likely diagnosis given these symptoms? A.Influenza B.Food poisoning C.Hepatitis B D.Liver fluke
Case #2 A freshman college student presents to the student clinic with a severe headache. She has a fever of 101F, a stiff neck and an aversion to lights. She is not fully conscious. The nurses are very concerned and immediately start her on IV ceftriaxone and dexamethasone (this is a medical emergency!)
Pathology Image:
What is the most likely diagnosis? A.Stroke B.Meningitis C.Drug overdose D.Leishmaniasis
Case #3 A 23 year old college student presents to the clinic with night sweats, shortness of breath, mild fever and a productive cough that brings up bloody sputum. He had spent a semester abroad in Zambia helping locals build solar panels for their homes. He has never experienced anything like this before and is worried that he contracted something while abroad.
Chest X-ray (CXR):
What is the most likely diagnosis? A.Influenza B.Lung cancer C.Tuberculosis (TB) D.SARS
Lecture Summary: Top 3 Points Micro-organisms cause many of the most common diseases that afflict people today Infectious diseases can lead to cancer if not treated properly (hepatitis hepatocellular carcinoma; HPV cervical cancer) Infectious diseases may become more common in the future as antibiotic resistance expands its effect & antibiotics start to lose treatment efficacy