EU-Regional Policy and Cohesion Structural actions Co-financing in the framework of the Structural Funds Eddy Hartog Head of Coordination Unit DG Regional Policy 10th April 2003
EU-Regional Policy and Cohesion Structural actions Shared management - shared financial burden Ownership of project
EU-Regional Policy and Cohesion Structural actions Community Initiatives EAGGF Guarantee 3 objectives 4 funds
EU-Regional Policy and Cohesion Structural actions EIB RTD grants TENs Structural funds ????
EU-Regional Policy and Cohesion Structural actions
EU-Regional Policy and Cohesion Structural actions Basis Public expenditure Total expenditure
EU-Regional Policy and Cohesion Structural actions Rates Objective 1 Minimum 50% of public Maximum 75% of total + 5% in Cohesion Fund Member State on an exceptional basis + 5% in ultraperipheral regions
EU-Regional Policy and Cohesion Structural actions Rates Objective 2 Minimum 25% of public Maximum 50% of total
EU-Regional Policy and Cohesion Structural actions 1.Gravity of problems 2.Financial capacity of MS 3.EU priorities 4.National/regional priorities 5.Characteristics of aid 6.Optimum utilisation Differentiation????
EU-Regional Policy and Cohesion Structural actions Rates INTERREG STATE AIDS EIB/EIF
EU-Regional Policy and Cohesion Structural actions Rates Revenue generating projects 2004
EU-Regional Policy and Cohesion Structural actions Rates Objective 1 Infrastructure Maximum 40% of total + 10% in Cohesion Fund Member State + 10% of financing other than grant Revenue generating projects Firms Maximum 35% of total + 10% of financing other than grant in SMEs
EU-Regional Policy and Cohesion Structural actions Rates Objective 2 Revenue generating projects Infrastructure Maximum 25% of total + 10% of financing other than grant for SMEs Firms Maximum 15% of total + 10% of financing other than grant in SMEs
EU-Regional Policy and Cohesion Structural actions QUESTIONSQUESTIONS Q U E S T I O N S