Achievements to date on the IDP Profiling Process UNFPA UNHCR Brussels IDP Profiling Workshop 22 – 23 March 2007
Summary of Achievements 1. Standard setting 2. Reinforcing networks 3. Field support/ Capacity building 4. Fundraising 5. Next key activities
1.Standard setting Draft IDP Profiling Guidelines process Steering Group of the IDP Profiling Guidelines process Camp Management Toolkit revision (ongoing) Drafting of the IDP Protection Handbook (ongoing)
2.Reinforcing networks Interagency Technical Workshop on IDP Profiling, Nairobi; October 2006 Participated by: IOM, NRC, OCHA, WFP, UNHCR Joint UNFPA/ UNHCR Workshop: Collaboration on Demographic Data Collection in Emergencies/ IDP Situations; February 2007
Key recommendations from the Interagency Technical Workshop on IDP Profiling Nairobi; October 2006
Key recommendations Standard setting on “profiling” policy Strengthening interagency approach on “profiling” Validate the Guidelines on IDP Profiling/ policy questions surrounding IDP profiling Create a checklist of protection consideration Establish guideline on when to register/ how to register IDPs for protection purposes Integrate profiling guidelines in HC trainings Formalise the “community” of practitioners or resource persons dealing with “profiling” issues. Ensure “profiling” is an integral part of local Protection Cluster Create a steering group on IDP “profiling”.
Key recommendations Setting technical standards on “profiling” Standard setting for minimum data in IDP registration for assistance delivery Development of operational standards e.g. creation of a decision tree (scenario/ context based) to chose methodologies. Development of standard data sets as per operational objectives e.g. definition of core data
Conclusions of the Joint UNFPA/UNHCR Workshop: Collaboration on Demographic Data Collection February 2007
Partnership Re-issuance of the existing MOU from 1995 to further improve on data issues Dissemination of the MOU to all offices to ensure that it becomes a point of reference To conduct joint pilot projects in the field Further cooperation on standard setting in demographic data issues Joint work on indicators
Collaboration in the context of IASC and the Cluster Approach Explore institutionalisation of an IDP “demographic methodology” group Start collaboration in the Protection Cluster, specifically in the area of registration, data profiling, and statistical reporting Build joint capacity through a secondment of 1 UNFPA staff to support standard setting in data quality issues under the Protection Cluster Explore the possibility of establishing a “service” for humanitarian community on data in emergencies through establishing rapid deployment scheme (StatCap) and data provision
3.Field support/ Capacity Building Somalia (Aug’06): Operational Data Manager for “population tracking” Myanmar (Nov’06): Operational Data Manager Cote d’Ivoire (Jan’07): Information Manager for IDP Profiling Desk Review Sri Lanka (Feb’07): Registration Officer for IDP registration in Batticaloa & Trincomalee Districts Chad (Mar’07): Joint UNFPA/ UNHCR/ IFORD mission for IDP profiling survey Sudan (Mar’07): NRC Urban Displacement Study Camp Management Training (ongoing)
4.Fundraising 2007 Global Cluster Appeal Jointly appealed by NRC/ IDMC, UNFPA, UNHCR Activities planned both under Protection Cluster and Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster
5.Next key activities in 2007 UNHCR and UNFPA Workshop: Collaboration on Demographic Data Collection in Emergencies/ IDP Situations February (Geneva) Draft IDP Profiling Guideline: Stakeholders’ Meeting 16 February (Geneva) Workshop on IDP Profiling (UN, NGOs, Academic Institutions & governments) March (Brussels) Finalisation of the IDP Profiling Guidelines By end March
Interagency Cluster Appeal (April 2007 – March 2008) April CCCM Cluster: Revision of the Camp Management Toolkit By end April Protection Cluster: Endorsement of the IDP Profiling Guidelines Early May Protection Cluster: Interagency Handbook on IDP Protection (first draft) By June Prepare concept paper for IASC Working Group Meeting for the future of IDP profiling July
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