Updates of APGrid PMA 22 June, 2010
Members (15 + 1) 15 Accredited CAs AIST (JP) APAC (AU) ASGC (TW) CNIC (CN), SDG IGCA (IN) IHEP (CN) KEK (JP) KISTI (KR) NAREGI (JP) NCHC (TW) NECTEC (TH) NGO/Netrust (SG) PRAGMA-UCSD (US) HKU (HK) Mongolia - under accreditation Coverage by RAs Philippine, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Zealand & Sri Lanka (soon) UPM (MY) is now supported by ASGCCA to setup CA as a service of NGI-MY. New Zealand WLCG site is going production soon, a new New Zealand CA is happening soon. CA: 9 Countries RA: + 6 Countries New: +1 Country
Up-to-date Certificate Statistics CA NameValid user certValid host certRevoked cert AIST GRID CA APAC Grid CA ASGC CA6651, KEK CNIC Grid CA020 SDG CA HKU Grid CA554 IGCA9638 KISTI Grid CA NAREGI CA NCHC Grid CA41134 NECTEC GOC CA53180 NGO-Netrust CA13262 IHEP PRAGMA-UCSD CA Updated at : 26, May 2010
User/Host Certificate Statistics
Updates from April 2010 APAC, NECTEC finished updates CP/CPS based on review comments from F2F meeting in March AIST, IGCA, ASGCCA and NCHC will present their self- audit reports in the next F2F meeting. AIST, IGCA, ASGCCA, NCHC will report in next meeting. Draft APGridPMA status matrix was done and will send to members for verification and comment Next F2F Meeting Will be held by video conference if no better proposal by end July APGridPMA spring F2F meeting will be joint with ISGC. IGTF All Hands Meeting is also proposed to be held at ISGC2011. AIST in 2011 together with PRAGMA