Grace: What’s the Catch?
In the Beginning… We are made in the IMAGE and LIKENESS of God… (It is like God’s fingerprint on us as His…)
At the Fall… We lost our likeness… We no longer had God’s grace in our soul…
In order to be in relationship with us… Jesus established the Church to give us the Sacraments so we may receive God’s grace…
Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Sanctifying grace – God’s life given to live in our souls…
Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Grace : comes through the Sacraments
It’s up to us… to accept or reject the gift given to us…
Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Our yes goes back to God… Who receives in turn…
And begins again… Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit