The tiger is the biggest Species of the cat family. Tigers can reach a length of up to 3.3 metres 11 feet and weigh as much. Tiger can swiming To 6 kilometres but Cats hatts swiming. Tiger can jump to 5 Metres. When ligers And tigons. More About tigers
more aboutmore about spices menu There are lows of spces Red spices and difut cins of spces in india Los of india pihl like Spces. Spices are distinguished from herbs whrch are parts Of leafy green plants Used for flavoring coloring or preserving food.
MOUNTAINS What is the same and what is different about India and wales Thank you for looking At my india POWER POINT Thank you for looking At my india POWER POINT BEACHES Elephant Tiger spices home
MENU The beaches are in a place callea Goa. Goa is Alittle island. It has trees and sand. More About beaches
menu Male Asian elephants are hunted for their tusks Becoming smaller Hunting their is forbidden But their trouble Goes on. They live in the Plains and forests of India and sri lanka. More About elephants
MENU The Himalaya has snow on the mountains and the Himalayan is a mountains and is big and is blue More About mountains
MENU The Nilgiri HillsMy local area landscapeHimalaya Deset beachs Barry Island Cardiff weatherSun snowSun rain homeswoodbricks jobsRice Farmer Tea grower Doctor Teacher therapist Farmers Journeys and transport Bus bike rickshawCar bus taxi important places Taj Mahal River Ganges New Dehli Millennium stadium
Thank you for looking at my PowerPoint by Courtney June 2015 MENU