OUACHITA PARISH Advanced Placement Initiative Presenter – Linda Trimble Avid District Director
Progress AP Courses for 2006 English IV American History English III Studio Art IV Number of students enrolled – 155 (4 schools) – about 9 sections
Progress (con’t) Number of AP courses – 2007 English Lang. & Comp.Spanish English Literature Biology United States History Chemistry Calculus AB Number of students – 360 (2 target schools) In about 21 sections (including Pre-AP courses)
AP Program Success University Mentoring & Partnerships College Tutoring for AP Students Vertical Teaming Teacher Training – Summer Institute Ongoing Subject Specific Training Pre-AP Courses AVID – Pre AP curriculum for 6 th -12th
Equity & Access At the target schools we have included GT/Honors and AP students along side each other in Advanced Placement classes. AP courses are opened to all students who are willing to work and meet the demands of the curriculum
Staff Development AP/Pre AP teachers are given the opportunity to attend an on-site graduate course by the University The university is asked to provide strategies for incorporating critical thinking into the subject matter Teachers receive a stipend
Staff Development (Con’t) Teachers, Counselors & Administrators are invited to attend the Annual AP Conference where they will attend professional development workshops Administrators will gain insight from the Instructional Leadership Workshop where they will learn strategies for promoting equity and excellence into the program
AVID Advancement Via Individual Determination [L. avidus]: eager for knowledge
What is AVID? A structured, college preparatory program working directly with schools and districts A direct support structure for first-generation college goers, grades 4 – 12 A schoolwide approach to curriculum and rigor working in over 2,700 middle schools and high schools in 39 states and 15 countries A professional development program providing training throughout the U.S.
Looking at the A.V.I.D. Look again at the acrostic: A dvancementA dvancement V iaV ia I ndividualI ndividual D eterminationD etermination Which of the words strikes you as most crucial? Why? 15 minute conversation at tables Day 1 Site Team Slide 7
The Purpose of AVID restructure the teaching methods of an entire school The purpose of AVID is to restructure the teaching methods of an entire school and to open access to the curricula that will ensure four-year college eligibility to almost all students. Day 1 Site Team Slide 10
AVID Program Essentials 1.AVID student selection 2.Voluntary participation 3.AVID elective class offered during the day 4.Rigorous course and study 5.Writing and reading curriculum 6.Inquiry to promote critical reading 7.Collaboration 8.Trained tutors 9.Data collection and analysis 10.District and school commitment 11.Active and interdisciplinary site team
The AVID Student Profile Students with Academic Potential Average to high test scores 2.0 – 3.5 GPA College potential with support Desire and determination Meets One or More of the Following Criteria First to attend college Historically underserved in four-year colleges Low income Special circumstances
What the research tells us Rigorous courses matter most (Adelman, 2006, U.S. Department of Education) Socioeconomic status can be removed as a factor (Adelman, 2006; Mehan, 1999) Support, both academic and social, is vital (Mehan, 1999; Watt, 2006; Treisman, 1997) Schoolwide achievement follows a college prep focus (Watt, 2006)
The AVID Elective Class Grades 6 – 12 with grade-specific curricula Required for all AVID students Taught by trained AVID teacher AVID materials support (“AVID libraries”) Course provides students with skills to help them succeed in college-preparatory classes Tutoring takes place at least twice weekly in AVID class
Meeting the Challenge (Continued)
Students who take AP courses and exams are much more likely than their peers to complete a bachelor’s degree in four years or less. AP and College Success Source: Camara, Wayne (2003). College Persistence, Graduation, and Remediation. College Board Research Notes (RN-19). New York, NY: College Board.
Ethnic Breakdown of AP Test-takers AVID vs. National Opening access to Advanced Placement courses for all students, regardless of ethnicity or economic background, is essential to leveling the academic playing field. AVID students, who take many AP tests every year, show greater ethnic diversity than AP test-takers do overall. The proportion of Latinos taking AP exams is over five times higher among AVID students than among U.S. students overall.
Completion of 4-Year College Entrance Requirements AVID students complete university entrance requirements at a much higher rate than their non-AVID peers.
AVID Graduates 96% plan to enroll in a college or university 68% plan to enroll in a four-year university 28% plan to enroll in a two-year college 83% of parents have less than a four-year college degree Source: AVID Center Data Collection System, Percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole percent
SITE TEAM PURPOSE Promote the use of instructional methodologies that enhance student access to rigorous curriculum To involve students in discussion about effective learning situations To be aware of and act on assumptions and practices at the school that enhance or inhibit equal access To develop and work toward school-wide goals that ensure that all students have equal access to knowledge and mainstream activities of the school
Site Team Members Elective Teacher Language Arts Math Science History World Languages Counselor Adminstrator
For more information Denise Y. Rupert,Ed.S Director of Division Support AVID Center And visit our website