Global Field Operations Support Team GFO Support Team Consolidation Pilot Steering Committee Meeting June 2015
Global Field Operations Support Team Outline of Consolidation Pilot 1.Description of a consolidation model 2.Objectives for the Pilot 3.Unpacking the non-negotiables 4.Pilot site selection criteria 5.Timeline for the Pilot 6.Role of Stakeholders
Global Field Operations Support Team Purpose of the Consolidation Model Contextually appropriate programme by a National office that utilises multiple funding types and sources in one program design, one budget, one report and one evaluation, allowing for greater efficiencies and leading to increased impact on the well being of children.
Global Field Operations Support Team Description of the Consolidated Model A fully integrated programme of multiple types and funding sources Simultaneous and full application of the following change processes across a number of programmes in a National Office: LEAP 3 Shared and efficient use of core number of high-caliber management and technical staff Common and efficient business processes in DME, finance, sponsorship management, procurement, etc. Each Technical Programme across the Area Programmes has one consolidated: Design Budget for which SOs commit funding with exceptions to grant funding Report with disaggregated data for specific donor/SO contributions Contextualised by the National Office
Global Field Operations Support Team Unpacking the Non-Negotiables One overall semi-annual and annual report with a breakdown of data for contributing SOs National Office CWB report, as per Partnership standards Contribution to CWB and ability to report based on evidence On-going monitoring and reporting of individual RC and follow up Meeting Partnership-level customer service standards One-to-One nature of Sponsorship Adapting Technical Programme in local communities Community ownership with engagement of local partners and volunteers Local ownership and sustainability in communities Specific requirements of grant and PNS donors are fully met Financial and progress report speak to the specific contribution of the SOs/Donors Partnership standards in finance, audit, and external reporting are fully met Fiduciary requirements to the donors are met
Global Field Operations Support Team Consolidation Pilot Objectives 1.Identify the effectiveness measures of contribution to CWB (both at individual RC and at community levels) in comparison to the baseline 2.Determine the efficiency measures of the consolidated model, in terms of cost and time in comparison to the baseline 3.Determine if the pilot can meet the common fiduciary requirements 4.Determine what conditions can the consolidated model be applied in other National offices
Global Field Operations Support Team Consolidation Pilot Selection Criteria CriteriaReason Demonstrated DME, Sponsorship and Technical capacity Responsibly transition to LEAP 3 Strong monitoring system is required to disaggregate data and report for contributing SO’s Capacity is required to adapt the consolidated model to one’s context Readiness for LEAP 3 LEAP 3 enables scale-up of technical programmes Allows for immediate start of the pilot in FY16 Number of SOs involved Engagement of SO’s representing various sizes and geographic regions is important to fully understand the implications for the SO’s Number of funding streams Various funding streams are able to leverage one another and is part of the proposed model Size of the NO Certain size of the NO allows for lessons from the pilot to be generalized across the Partnership Willingness of the NO and RO leadership NO ownership and RO support is critical as consolidated model is a major commitment
Global Field Operations Support Team Sri Lanka (Central Province) PCPR ratings Overall Rating is EstablishedOverall Rating is Established Established in all relevant dimensionsEstablished in all relevant dimensions LEAP 3 ready TA’s finalizedTA’s finalized Set to start in FY16Set to start in FY16 SO involvement AustraliaAustralia CanadaCanada GermanyGermany HKHK JapanJapan USUSFunding Sponsorship (100%)Sponsorship (100%) Budget = $3.7 MBudget = $3.7 M NO/RO is willing to participate
Global Field Operations Support Team Albania PCPR ratings Overall Rating is EstablishedOverall Rating is Established Established in all relevant dimensionsEstablished in all relevant dimensions LEAP 3 ready Already being implementedAlready being implemented SO involvement USUS UKUK HKHK S. KoreaS. KoreaFunding Sponsorship (85%)Sponsorship (85%) PNS (some)PNS (some) Grants (limited USAID and EU)Grants (limited USAID and EU) Budget = $7.5 MBudget = $7.5 M NO/RO is willing to participate
Global Field Operations Support Team JWG PCPR ratings Overall Rating is ConsolidatingOverall Rating is Consolidating Established in SponsorshipEstablished in Sponsorship Consolidating in Programme Quality, Financial Management and CWBConsolidating in Programme Quality, Financial Management and CWB LEAP 3 ready TA’s finalisedTA’s finalised Ongoing and to be fully mainstreamed in FY16Ongoing and to be fully mainstreamed in FY16 SO involvement AustraliaAustralia CanadaCanada SingaporeSingaporeFunding SponsorshipSponsorship GrantsGrants PNSPNS Budget = $13 to 14 MBudget = $13 to 14 M NO/RO is willing but has other internal priorities
Global Field Operations Support Team Uganda PCPR ratings Overall Rating is EstablishedOverall Rating is Established Established in all relevant dimensionsEstablished in all relevant dimensions LEAP 3 ready TA’s finalized and to be mainstreamed in FY16TA’s finalized and to be mainstreamed in FY16 Ongoing in 3 clustersOngoing in 3 clusters SO involvement Australia, CanadaAustralia, Canada Japan, IrelandJapan, Ireland Finland, Korea,Finland, Korea, NetherlandsNetherlands HK, UK and USHK, UK and USFunding SponsorshipSponsorship GrantsGrants PNSPNS Budget = $23.6 MBudget = $23.6 M NO/RO is willing to participate
Global Field Operations Support Team Swaziland PCPR ratings Overall Rating is ConsolidatingOverall Rating is Consolidating Established in DME, CWB and SponsorshipEstablished in DME, CWB and Sponsorship Consolidating in Financial ManagementConsolidating in Financial Management LEAP 3 ready TA’s finalisedTA’s finalised TP’s under development and to be mainstreamed in FY16TP’s under development and to be mainstreamed in FY16 SO involvement AustraliaAustralia MalaysiaMalaysia SingaporeSingapore TaiwanTaiwan Hong KongHong Kong USUSFunding SponsorshipSponsorship GrantsGrants PNSPNS Budget = $15.7 MBudget = $15.7 M NO/RO is willing but has other internal priorities
Global Field Operations Support Team Honduras PCPR ratings Overall Rating is EstablishedOverall Rating is Established Established in all relevant dimensionsEstablished in all relevant dimensions LEAP 3 ready TA’s finalisedTA’s finalised TP’s developedTP’s developed LEAP 3 being implementedLEAP 3 being implemented SO involvement AustraliaAustralia CanadaCanada GermanyGermany TaiwanTaiwan NZ, UK and USNZ, UK and USFunding SponsorshipSponsorship GrantsGrants PNSPNS Budget = $19 MBudget = $19 M NO/RO is willing to participate
Global Field Operations Support Team NOs Against the Criteria Criteria Central Province Sri Lanka JWGAlbaniaUgandaSwazilandHonduras NO Capacity LEAP 3 Readiness # and range of SO’s Funding Streams Pilot Size Willingness
Global Field Operations Support Team Timeline for the Pilot Pre-Pilot (End of June 2015) TA’s FinalisedTA’s Finalised Technical and DME expertise in placeTechnical and DME expertise in place Pilot – project plan in placePilot – project plan in place Pre-Pilot (End of June 2015) TA’s FinalisedTA’s Finalised Technical and DME expertise in placeTechnical and DME expertise in place Pilot – project plan in placePilot – project plan in place Pilot Preparation (July to Sept 2015) Baseline of current level of staffing, support costs and business processesBaseline of current level of staffing, support costs and business processes Review and revision of key business processesReview and revision of key business processes Finalisation and approval of designs including the engagement of PSTFinalisation and approval of designs including the engagement of PST Finalisation of staffing and structural implicationsFinalisation of staffing and structural implications Putting in place processes and templates to capture learningPutting in place processes and templates to capture learning Pilot Preparation (July to Sept 2015) Baseline of current level of staffing, support costs and business processesBaseline of current level of staffing, support costs and business processes Review and revision of key business processesReview and revision of key business processes Finalisation and approval of designs including the engagement of PSTFinalisation and approval of designs including the engagement of PST Finalisation of staffing and structural implicationsFinalisation of staffing and structural implications Putting in place processes and templates to capture learningPutting in place processes and templates to capture learning Pilot Implementation (Oct 2015 to Sept 2016) Implementation of pilotImplementation of pilot On-going reporting to EGOLT & SO CEO ForumOn-going reporting to EGOLT & SO CEO Forum Capturing of lessons and recommendationsCapturing of lessons and recommendations Pilot Implementation (Oct 2015 to Sept 2016) Implementation of pilotImplementation of pilot On-going reporting to EGOLT & SO CEO ForumOn-going reporting to EGOLT & SO CEO Forum Capturing of lessons and recommendationsCapturing of lessons and recommendations Pilot Review (Oct 2016) Final reporting to EGOLT and finalize recommendationsFinal reporting to EGOLT and finalize recommendations Final reporting to the SO CEOs and agree on the way forwardFinal reporting to the SO CEOs and agree on the way forward Pilot Review (Oct 2016) Final reporting to EGOLT and finalize recommendationsFinal reporting to EGOLT and finalize recommendations Final reporting to the SO CEOs and agree on the way forwardFinal reporting to the SO CEOs and agree on the way forward
Global Field Operations Support Team Role of the Stakeholders StakeholderRole National office Leadership Review of structure and business processes Design of TA and TP Implementation of the pilot Regional office Technical Support Support offices Technical support and exercise of decision rights as per Partnership standards. Contribute to the lessons learned GC Pilot Secretariat Pilot design Project plan Support in the review of business process improvement Capture of lessons learned Stakeholder coordination Ensure Partnership support for the pilot Pilot review Steering Committee Contribute to the pilot design, implementation and lessons learned Share the learning with others EGOLT Provide overall accountability