UN/ESA/NASA/JAXA Workshop on the International Heliophysical Year 2007 and Basic Space Science 02 – 06 June 2008 Sozopol, Bulgaria H.J. Haubold (IHY Secretariat)


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Presentation transcript:

UN/ESA/NASA/JAXA Workshop on the International Heliophysical Year 2007 and Basic Space Science 02 – 06 June 2008 Sozopol, Bulgaria H.J. Haubold (IHY Secretariat) and S. Gadimova (ICG Secretariat) United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs THE WHOLE SHEBANG Information Dssemination: 178 UNDP, 185 PM BSS Workshops BSS TRIPOD Planetariums Literature: ADS, Images: VO IHY Workshops IHY TRIPOD Regional Education Centres Education Curricula: RS, SM, SC, SS, GNSS, SL

u United Nations International Space Information System (UNISIS) u United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Offices u 178 offices worldwide u 185 Permanent Missions of 192 UN Member States UN Information Dissemination Network UNDP Regional groupings

u Regional: India, Costa Rica, Colombia, Nigeria, Egypt u Inauguration of optical telescopes: Sri Lanka, Honduras, Jordan u International: Germany, France, Mauritius, Argentina u Review of all workshops: P.R. China Mauritius 2001Argentina 2002 IYA: BSS Workshops

u Government of Japan: u Japanese Cultural Grant Aid 45cm reflecting telescope u CCD & computer equipment u Building/ dome/ maintenance provided by local institution u Singapore 1987, Indonesia 1988, Thailand 1989, Sri Lanka 1995, Paraguay 1999, The Philippines 2000, Chile 2001, Mongolia?, India? IYA: BSS TRIPOD: Telescope, Observing, Teaching Sri Lanka 1996 u American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO): u Hands-on Astrophysics u Setting Up a Variable Star Observing Programme u Astronomy, mathematics, computer science

u International Astronomical Union (IAU): u Astrophysics for University Physics Courses u Study/ comparison of university education curricula in developing countries u Elementary calculus u Classical mechanics u Statistical mechanics u Thermodynamics applied to astronomy u Advanced teaching material recommended: K.R. LANG / J. BENNET et al. IYA: BSS TRIPOD: Telescope, Observing, Teaching

IYA: Planetariums Myanmar 1986 Peru 2003 Viet Nam 1998 u Government of Japan u Host country u UNOOSA u Myanmar, Jordan, Malaysia, The Philippines, India, Argentina, Uruguay, Vietnam, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Paraguay, Equador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Peru, Bolivia, Cuba, El Salvador

International Virtual Observatory Alliance and ADS TRIPOD VO space technologyspace science ADS Astrophysical Data System

IHY: IHY Workshops 1st UN/ESA/NASA Workshop on IHY 2005, Al-Ain, UAE Instrument providers and hosts Software development Coordinated investigation programmes 2nd UN/NASA Workshop: IHY+BSS 2006, Bangalore, India 3rd UN/ESA/NASA Workshop: IHY+BSS 2007, Tokyo, Japan 4th UN/ESA/NASA/JAXA Workshop: IHY 2008, Sozopol, Bulgaria 5th UN/ESA/NASA/JAXA Workshop: IYA 2009, Seoul, South Korea

IHY: IHY TRIPOD: Instrument Array, Data, Teaching u Since 2005, deploying small inexpensive instruments such as magnetometers, radio antennas, GPS RECEIVERS, all- sky cameras, etc. around the world to make global measurements of ionospheric, magnetospheric, and heliospheric phenomena u Partnership between instrument providers and instrument host nations u Lead scientist/engineer provides instrumentation Host institution provides manpower, facilities, and operational support u Data taking, sharing, analysis, publication u Using data in teaching space science at university level

IHY: IHY Distributed Instrument Programme MAGDAS: Magnetic Data Acquisition System (Japan) CALLISTO: Compound Astronomical Low-cost Low-frequency Instrument for Spectroscopy and Transportable Observatory (Switzerland) GPS: Global Positioning System in Africa (France) RENOIR: Remote Equatorial Nighttime Observatory for Ionospheric Regions (USA) SAVNET: South Atlantic Very-low-frequency NETwork (Brazil) SEVAN: New type of particle detectors for space weather forecasting network (Armenia) AMBER: African Meridian B-field Education and Research (USA) AWESOME/SID: Climate And Weather of the Sun-Earth System (USA) The total number of IHY Programmes under development is 17

IHY: IHY Coordinated Investigation Programmes (CIPs) Instrument array / Number of CIPs u RENOIR: none u SEVAN: 56 u GPS: 2 u AMBER: 4, 45 u AWESOME: 64 u CALLISTO: none u MAGDAS: 26 u SAVNET: 13 In 2008 the total number of CIPs is 72 International Heliophysical Year 2007 (IHY2007) to International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA 2009) UNGA 62/200 of 2007

Regional Centres for Space Science and Technology Education (affiliated to the UN) u The Regional Centres for Space Science and Technology Education were created under the auspices of the United Nations u Goal: to develop, through in-depth education, an indigenous capability for research and applications in the core disciplines of: u u Remote Sensing & GIS u Satellite Communications u Satellite Meteorology and Global Climate u Space and Atmospheric Sciences u Regional Centres located in: u African region: CRASTE-LF (Morocco), CSSTE-E (Nigeria) u Asia and the Pacific region: CSSTEAP (India) u Latin America and the Caribbean: CRECTEALC (Brazil/Mexico)

Regional Centres for Space Science and Technology Education (affiliated to the UN) MeteorologyCommunicationsRemote SensingSpace Science Future: GNSS, Space Law

Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CMS) Pala, Kerala, India 1995, 2000, 2005, 2006, 2007 six-week SERC Schools on Special Functions and Functions of Matrix Argument: Recent advances and applications in stochastic processes, statistics, wavelet analysis and astrophysics Lecture Notes available on request from or downloadabe at SERC School on Matrix Variable Calculus and Statistical Distribution Theory and Applications in Data Analysis, Model Building and Astrophysics Problems 15 April – 17 May 2008

Generalizing Boltzmann-Gibbs statistical mechanics Non-extensive Statistical Mechanics

Solar Wind: Magnetic Field Strength