Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Public PolicyPublic Policy and Practice in Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Public PolicyCriminal Justice Decision Making Part III
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Management Decision Making Tools Pareto Analysis Pareto Analysis Paired Comparison Analysis Paired Comparison Analysis Grid Analysis Grid Analysis Decision Tree Analysis Decision Tree Analysis Plus/Minus/Implicatio ns (PMI) Plus/Minus/Implicatio ns (PMI) Force Field Analysis Force Field Analysis Combinations Combinations
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Pareto Analysis Looking for changes that will give the most benefit (80/20 Concept) Looking for changes that will give the most benefit (80/20 Concept) List potential actions List potential actions Score actions based on the problem to be solved Score actions based on the problem to be solved Scoring depends on desired outcome Scoring depends on desired outcome Choose action based on score Choose action based on score
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Paired Comparison Analysis Used to determine relative importance of an action Used to determine relative importance of an action List actions in table, along header and column List actions in table, along header and column Block out duplicates Block out duplicates Score one against the other Score one against the other Add scores and rank actions Add scores and rank actions
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster ActionArrest(A)Citations(B)Warning(c)Education(D) Arrests(A)BlockedAAA Citations(B)ABlockedBB Warning(C)ABBlockedC Education(D)ABCBlocked Drunk Driving Problem
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Grid Analysis An technique that also the decision maker to examine a number of alternative and many factors for each alternative An technique that also the decision maker to examine a number of alternative and many factors for each alternative Create a spread sheet, listing alternatives in the header and factors in the column Create a spread sheet, listing alternatives in the header and factors in the column Uses scoring and weights to help examine the factors and the alternatives Uses scoring and weights to help examine the factors and the alternatives First Score and then weight First Score and then weight
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster ControlPrice Maintenance costs FeaturesTotal Weight Purchase4441 Lease3312 Contract2233 Share1124 New Radio System
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster ControlPrice Maintenance costs FeaturesTotal Weight2543 Purchase4,84,204,161,347 Lease3,63,151,42,631 Contract2,42,103,123,935 Share1,11,52,84,1226 New Radio System
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Decision Tree Analysis Choose based on the value of likely outcomes Choose based on the value of likely outcomes Start with decision Start with decision Draw lines to represent the different alternatives Draw lines to represent the different alternatives At points different decision are made draw a circle and “branch” the tree At points different decision are made draw a circle and “branch” the tree Once tree is drawn, assign values to outcomes Once tree is drawn, assign values to outcomes
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Radio System Replace Existing System Which Agency Share System County City One City Two
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Decision Tree Analysis Creates a clear, visual representation Creates a clear, visual representation Allows for input on potential consequences of action Allows for input on potential consequences of action Produces a framework for analysis on costs, values and likelihood of occurrence Produces a framework for analysis on costs, values and likelihood of occurrence Decisions are based on current, best information, and approximations about the future Decisions are based on current, best information, and approximations about the future
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Plus/Minus/Implications Previous tools looked at alternatives, this tool looks at the possible consequences of the decision Previous tools looked at alternatives, this tool looks at the possible consequences of the decision Again, in a spreadsheet list in one column the positive consequences and the other the negative consequences, the third column is used to record the implication of the factor Again, in a spreadsheet list in one column the positive consequences and the other the negative consequences, the third column is used to record the implication of the factor Most of the time, the consequences of the decision become very clear, but if not the factors can be (subjectively) weighted Most of the time, the consequences of the decision become very clear, but if not the factors can be (subjectively) weighted
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Choosing to Purchase PlusMinusImplication Control over design Features Requires expertise that may not be inside organization, requiring a consultant High intra-operability Low interoperability Communication good inside, cooperation outside may be impacted Requires huge sunk costs Equipment may be technologically out of date at time of final installation
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Force Field Analysis Designed to aide in the analysis of the strength of the forces for and against a policy, or a decision Designed to aide in the analysis of the strength of the forces for and against a policy, or a decision Good visual representation through the use of a model Good visual representation through the use of a model Positive forces and negative forces are listed and weighted Positive forces and negative forces are listed and weighted Decision maker can determine if the policy is doable; or, determine where pressure should be increased or decreased to allow policy implementation Decision maker can determine if the policy is doable; or, determine where pressure should be increased or decreased to allow policy implementation
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Current System failing City Budget Fire Department needs system also Public concern over terrorism Officer concern Over safety Some Grant Money available Previous Tech failures Other Department Needs Changing Technology New Radio System
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Combining Tools Some of the decision making tools can be combined with other concepts, for instance, a Stakeholder Analysis can be accomplished through a 2X2 Matrix
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Stakeholder Analysis and 2X2 Matrix Keep Satisfied Manage Closely Monitor Keep Informed POWER HighLow High Low INTREST
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Research Techniques Questionnaires, Surveys and Checklists Questionnaires, Surveys and Checklists Interviews Interviews Document Review Document Review Observation Observation Focus Groups Focus Groups Case studies Case studies
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Questionnaires, Surveys and Checklists Information and data can be obtain relatively quickly and a in a non-threatening manner Easily organized and analyzed
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Questionnaires, Surveys and Checklists Advantages Advantages Anonymous Anonymous Somewhat inexpensive Somewhat inexpensive ease of analysis ease of analysis Large Groups Large Groups Data Data Many types pre-exist Many types pre-exist Potential Disadvantages Survey can bias response Impersonal Sampling Issues Incomplete information
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Interviews Used to gain a greater depth of understanding of the experiences, knowledge and activities of individuals.
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Interviews Advantages Advantages Allows for a fuller appreciation of points of view, Allows for a fuller appreciation of points of view, Can lead to information you didn’t know existed. Can lead to information you didn’t know existed. Can lead to the development of new ideas. Can lead to the development of new ideas. Disadvantages Time Consuming Difficult to analyze and determine themes and trends Costly Interviewer bias
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Document Review Document Review Policy and programs can be analyzed without interrupting them Policy and programs can be analyzed without interrupting them Sometimes referred to as an audit. Sometimes referred to as an audit. Applications Applications Financial Information Financial Information Productivity data Productivity data Etc. Etc.
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Document Review Document Review Advantages Advantages Comprehensive information often available Comprehensive information often available Can be one of the least disruptive Can be one of the least disruptive Data exists Data exists Biases are somewhat reduced Biases are somewhat reduced Disadvantages Time Consuming Information may be incomplete Need to make specific requests – have the area to be examined clearly identified. Must use existing data Unrestricted access required
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Observations Used to obtain data and information on how a policy or program actually operates Can be used to examine processes and outcomes
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Observations Advantages Advantages Real-time information Real-time information Adaptable and flexible method Adaptable and flexible method Can pursue avenues as they become apparent Can pursue avenues as they become apparent Disadvantages Outside experts may lack expertise of institutional knowledge necessary to correctly interpret internal behaviors Difficulties inherent in the classification of behaviors Observation affects the observed Expense
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Focus Groups A topic can be examined in-depth by the group Useful for obtaining stakeholder impressions, reactions, feedback, etc.
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Focus Groups Advantages Advantages quick and reliable method to obtain group impressions quick and reliable method to obtain group impressions A more efficient way of gathering information similar to interviews. A more efficient way of gathering information similar to interviews. Can be used as a two- way form of communication Can be used as a two- way form of communication Disadvantages Difficult to analyze responses The skill of the focus group leader or facilitator is critical. Expense Scheduling concerns – getting the group together
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Case studies A complete understanding of a policy may be obtained by a comprehensive examination of the policy and comparison to similar policies
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Case studies Advantages Advantages Full examination of inputs, processes and outputs Full examination of inputs, processes and outputs Very good way to represent the policy to external stakeholders Very good way to represent the policy to external stakeholders Disadvantages Time consuming and expensive Usually portrays in depth of information or policy rather than breadth
Copyright : Hi Tech Criminal Justice, Raymond E. Foster Public PolicyPublic Policy and Practice in Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Public PolicyCriminal Justice Search for Military Books Military BooksMilitary