FOCUSING ON FOUR METRICS Retention Timely Completion Employment Student Satisfaction Institutional Research & Effectiveness April 16, 2015
RETENTION Student Admission Type 4/16/2015 IR2 Summer/Fall 2013 to Fall 2014 Retention Reporting
RETENTION Gender 4/16/2015 IR3 Summer/Fall 2013 to Fall 2014 Retention Reporting N=
RETENTION Ethnicity 4/16/2015 IR4 Summer/Fall 2013 to Fall 2014 Retention Reporting N=316 42
RETENTION by Major (Transfer Students Only) Major% RetainedBeginEnd Finance100%55 Marketing100%11 Psychology78%4535 Elem Ed (includes pre)78%3924 History77%1310 Criminology75%6448 GBA (incl pre-business)72%9065 Interdisc Social Science69%4229 Prof&Tech Communication67%128 Hospitality Management66%2919 Information Technology65%3422 Management60%106 Applied Sciences (HTL)52%2111 Accounting50%2010 English Literature45%115 Applied Science (CAS)43%73 4/16/2015 IR5 Summer/Fall 2013 to Fall 2014 Retention Reporting
DFWI Analysis 4/16/2015 IR6
DFWI Analysis DFWI GradesSectionsDFWITotal% College Algebra % Composition I % Composition II % Statistics I % 4/16/2015 IR7 GradeTotal all Grades% D1214% F3641% W3844% I11% Total87 100% 85% F or W Semesters: Fall 2013, Spr 2014, Sum 2014, Fall 2014
TIMELY COMPLETION 4/16/2015 IR8 ActualProjected
TIMELY COMPLETION 4/16/2015 IR9 ActualProjected
TIMELY COMPLETION 4/16/2015 IR10 Actual Projected
TIMELY COMPLETION 4/16/2015 IR11 Actual Projected
TIMELY COMPLETION 4/16/2015 IR12 Projected
TIMELY COMPLETION 4/16/2015 IR13 ActualProjected
EMPLOYMENT FETPIP – Florida Education & Training Placement Information Program 4 th QUARTER 2013 (Oct – Dec) 535 bachelor’s degree graduates at USFSM in (also by master’s and CIP degree) 426 had outcome data – working or going to school in Florida 394 were found employed - 74% ($8,100 average qtr earnings X 4 = $32,400 annual) 324 working the full quarter (earned at least $4,050 – min wage X 13 weeks X 40 hrs) – 82% of 394 found employed ($9,362 avg full qtr earnings X 4 = $37,448) 65 continuing their education (12%); 14 not working & continuing education (3%) 35 receiving public assistance (7%) 4/16/2015 IR14
STUDENT SATISFACTION I would recommend USFSM to others considering college %85%83%85%*90% I am proud to be a student of the university %88%86%87%*90% * Not available yet. 4/16/2015 IR15
5 Game Changers – Complete College America 4/16/2015 IR16 Performance Funding - Financial incentives to institutions Corequisite Remediation - provide remedial help parallel to highly structured course work Full-time is 15 – take 15 credits per semester – 4-yr graduation Structured Schedules – Strategy 1.1 – predictable schedule Guided Pathways to Success – Strategy 1.2 – degree plans for entire four years; metamajors; intrusive advising Cut Administrative Red Tape – Strategy 2.6 – quality service