Central Oregon Community College | 2600 N.W. College Way | Bend, Oregon 97701 | (541) 383-7700 | www.cocc.edu Setting Strategic Direction Strategic Planning.


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Central Oregon Community College | 2600 N.W. College Way | Bend, Oregon | (541) | Setting Strategic Direction Strategic Planning at COCC COCC September 2012

Strategic Planning Committee  Nancy Butler, Classified, Admissions & Records  David Dona, Administration, Fiscal Services  Stacey Donohue, Faculty, Humanities  Stephanie Goetsch, Classified, Information Technology  Patricia Hammer, Faculty, Mathematics  Jim Moodie, Faculty, Biology  Jerry Schulz, Administration, Continuing Education  Erica Waldbillig, Classified, Office of CFO  Cody Yeager, Administration/Faculty, Deer Ridge Correctional Facility Planning Team  Matt McCoy, Administration, VP for Administration, Co-Chair  Brynn Pierce, Administration, Institutional Effectiveness, Co-Chair  Chris Egertson, Administration, Institutional Effectiveness  Jennifer Peters, Confidential/Supervisory, Office of VP for Administration

Central Oregon Community College | 2600 N.W. College Way | Bend, Oregon | (541) | Purpose Determine where the College wants to be in the future and inform operational plans to get there Setting Strategic Direction

Central Oregon Community College | 2600 N.W. College Way | Bend, Oregon | (541) | Product  Strategic Plan incorporating broad constituent input from the College and service area communities  Honest in College’s aspirations - connecting Mission, Vision, Core Themes/Goals and Priorities  Containing realistic, achievable objectives  Promoting unification and collaboration, providing individuals, departments, divisions and overall institution clear expectations and defined role in achieving those expectations  Informing resource allocation to assist College advancement Setting Strategic Direction

Operational Planning Planning & Assessment Model

Central Oregon Community College | 2600 N.W. College Way | Bend, Oregon | (541) | Strategic Planning Process – 4 Phases Process to be completed in 18 months (Fall 2011–Winter 2013) Development of Strategic Planning Steering Committee Committee charged with researching and developing plan President/Board to receive regular updates on the process Phase 1: Analyze Internal and External Environment Oct Mar 2012 Phase 2: Review and Revise Mar Sept 2012 Phase 3: Develop Strategic Directions Oct Feb 2013 Phase 4: Assess Outcomes Feb 2013 through plan’s cycle

Central Oregon Community College | 2600 N.W. College Way | Bend, Oregon | (541) |  Gather Stakeholder feedback (Internal and External)  20 focus groups (219 participants comments)  1450 survey respondents and personal interviews  700 community members  500 students  120 faculty & staff  65 businesses, CTE advisory group, city mayors/mgrs, chambers  32 K-12 counselors, board members, superintendents  COCC President & Board  COCC Foundation Board of Trustees  OSU-Cascades Chief Executive Officer Phase 1 : (October 2011 to March 2012) Analyze Internal and External Environment

Central Oregon Community College | 2600 N.W. College Way | Bend, Oregon | (541) |  Complete environmental scan (Information on the College and service district including regional/student demographics, employment/economic outlooks, and trends/initiatives in higher education)  Phase 1 Progress Report Phase 1 Progress Report  Given to Board, President and Stakeholders Phase 1 : (October 2011 to March 2012) Analyze Internal and External Environment

Central Oregon Community College | 2600 N.W. College Way | Bend, Oregon | (541) |  Using information gathered in Phase 1, review the current Mission, Vision, Values and Core Themes/Goals  Suggest revisions and seek alignment to reflect findings in Phase 1  Share proposed revisions and gather feedback from the campus community  Report to President and Board for consideration Phase 2 : (March to September 2012) Review and Revise

Central Oregon Community College | 2600 N.W. College Way | Bend, Oregon | (541) | What is a Mission? What COCC stands for, our purpose, why we exist Current Mission: Central Oregon Community College will be a leader in regionally and globally responsive adult, lifelong, post secondary education for Central Oregon. Phase 2 : (March to September 2012) Review and Revise

Central Oregon Community College | 2600 N.W. College Way | Bend, Oregon | (541) | Proposed Revisions to COCC’s Mission: Central Oregon Community College exists to promote student success by providing quality, accessible, lifelong educational opportunities Central Oregon Community College exists to provide students with quality, accessible, lifelong educational opportunities that transform lives and enrich communities To promote student success and enrich communities, Central Oregon Community College provides quality, accessible lifelong learning opportunities that transform lives Phase 2 : (March to September 2012) Review and Revise

Central Oregon Community College | 2600 N.W. College Way | Bend, Oregon | (541) | What is a Vision? What COCC aspires to and why it is important Current COCC Vision: Because of COCC, Central Oregonians will... be a district wide community that holds and promotes lifelong post secondary education and ongoing professional growth and personal development for adults as values; be able to connect actively with other communities, the state, the nation and the world in order to attain both locally strong and globally responsible perspectives; view education as integral to a sense of well-being, security and responsibility; and look to COCC to lead the region in the achievement of these ends Phase 2 : (March to September 2012) Review and Revise

Central Oregon Community College | 2600 N.W. College Way | Bend, Oregon | (541) | Proposed Revisions to COCC’s Vision: In the next 5 years, COCC will continue to improve institutional viability by strategically developing an innovative and comprehensive multi ‐ campus community college In the next 5 years, COCC will continue to improve institutional viability by strategically advancing our innovative and comprehensive multi ‐ campus community college Phase 2 : (March to September 2012) Review and Revise

Central Oregon Community College | 2600 N.W. College Way | Bend, Oregon | (541) | Current Goals/Core Themes Central Oregon Community College students will... Have academic achievements and learning skills necessary to transfer and articulate successfully beyond the community college level ( CT 1: Transfer) Have the workforce knowledge and skills necessary for their careers (CT 2: Workforce) Have academic achievements and basic learning skills necessary to successfully pursue education at the community college level (CT 3: Basic Skills) Have access to and participate in wide-ranging lifelong learning opportunities that enhance wellness, quality of life, and cultural appreciation (CT 4: Lifelong Learning) COCC as an institution will support the values of... Working collaboratively to achieve shared purposes Supporting diversity, and interacting effectively with state, regional, national and global communities Phase 2 : (March to September 2012) Review and Revise

Central Oregon Community College | 2600 N.W. College Way | Bend, Oregon | (541) | Proposed Revisions: Formalize merging COCC goals and core themes and adopting Core Themes as the official name. Core Themes  Transfer and Articulation: Students will have academic achievements and learning skills necessary to transfer and articulate successfully beyond the community college level  Workforce: Students will have the workforce knowledge and skills necessary for their career  Basic Skills: Students will have academic achievements and basic learning skills necessary to successfully pursue education at the community college level  Lifelong Learning: Students will have access to and participate in wide-ranging lifelong learning opportunities that enhance wellness, quality of life, and cultural appreciation Phase 2 : (March to September 2012) Review and Revise

Mission Vision Values Transfer & Articulation Workforce Development Basic Skills Lifelong Learning Strategic Objective Phase 2: Review & Revise Phase 3: Setting Strategic Directions Core Themes COCC’s Strategic Plan

Strategic Objectives are to be determined by Core Theme Teams (CTT) which will be led by Instructional Deans and include representatives from across the College, including faculty, staff, members of the Strategic Planning Committee and Institutional Effectiveness office. It is anticipated that each Core Theme will have a reasonable number of Strategic Objectives. Strategic Objectives may be drawn from existing planning documents such as Accreditation, Achievement Compact, Strategic Enrollment Management, other sources, or may be developed anew. Phase 3 : (October 2012 to February 2013) Setting Strategic Directions Strategic Objective Strategic Objective: A statement used to operationalize mission statements. They are specific, measurable and actionable in a well-defined time frame (3-5 years).

Mission Vision Values Transfer & Articulation Workforce Development Basic Skills Lifelong Learning Strategic Objective Core Themes COCC’s Strategic Plan

Once the College has an updated strategic plan, the College will develop an evaluation plan to evaluate the successful achievement of objectives related to each core theme. The plan will include establishing meaningful, assessable and verifiable indicators of achievement for each strategic objective and developing a reporting mechanism in order for the College community to monitor successful progress. Indicator: Information that allows the College to understand whether actions taken have produced the desired outcomes. The indicator is meaningful, assessable and verifiable. Phase 4 : Develop Evaluation Plan and Assess Outcomes Indicator

Phase 4 : Develop Evaluation Plan and Assess Outcomes Transfer & Articulation Strategic Objective Indicator Transfer & Articulation Example: Strategic Objective: Increase the number of students successfully transferring to a 4-year institution Indicator 1: 20% of students declaring a transfer major will receive a transfer module or degree within four years (Accreditation Report, SEM) Indicator 2: 75% of students earning a transfer credential will transfer to a 4-year institution within one year of completion (Accreditation Report, IE Report)

Phase 4 : Develop Evaluation Plan and Assess Outcomes Indicator Benchmark Source YellowGreen 1.4.a Students declaring a transfer major will receive a transfer module or degree within four years 15%20% SEM 1.4.b Number of students earning a transfer credential (OTM, AS, AAOT, ASOT) +10%+15% COCC Completions Report 1.4.c Percent of transfer credential completers transferring to a four-year institution within one year of completion 65%75% IE Reporting-Partnerships 1.4.d COCC to OUS GPA after transfer OUS – CCWD Data Match 1.4.eRate of COCC Students transferring to OUS and graduating within six years 71%75% OUS – CCWD Data Match Table 1.4: Indicators, Benchmarks, and Sources for Objective 1.4, Core Theme 1: Transfer and Articulation

Strategic Planning Operational Planning Initiatives Accreditation Achievement Compact SEM Others VIABILITY

Central Oregon Community College | 2600 N.W. College Way | Bend, Oregon | (541) | Questions? Comments? THANK YOU! Strategic Planning at COCC