By Jocelyn Ruth Brown 4 th Grade
What A Dolphin Eats For Breakfast A dolphin’s nutritional breakfast is a fish and if they are really hungry they might eat a squid too.
A Dolphin’s Nutritional Lunch Dolphins do not chew their food. Dolphins also eat fish and vertebrates found by the shore or surface of the beach. Bottlenose dolphins remove the meat from spiny fish, reducing the injuries from sharp spines. A dolphin’s favorite fish are mullet, tuna, mackerel, and croakers.
A Dolphin’s Dinner A dolphin’s dinner includes crabs, mollusks, and shellfish.
A Dolphin’s Diet
More Dolphin Fun! Dolphins eat up to 30 pounds of food each day, but the amount of food it eats depends on its size. Dolphins will move over long distances to find food. They will also migrate if the temperature is not adequate for its environment. Herding is usually the method to feeding. They would wait until a group of fish come up then they would have a feeding frenzy! (party)
Dolphin’s Predators Are… Sharks are predator s for the bottle nose dolphin. Humans are the most common predator for the dolphin!!! Humans usually kill dolphins with fishing lines and motor boats. Killer whales sometimes eat dolphins but it is not very normal. Dolphin eat rocks to break down hard things they eat.
Websites I Used!!! ES+OF+SPIKEY+FISH+SPINES&espv=2&biw =1040&bih=878&tbm=isch&tbo _dolphins_eat/what_do_dolphins_eat.html dolphins predators are from this website the-common-dolphin-predators/