1 Incentive and market based mechanisms for SLM
Session’s Objectives 1. Why incentive & market based mechanisms for SLM 2.Types and examples 3.How to identify appropriate mechanisms in your country 4.Recommendation
Why incentive & market-based mechanisms? Land use decisions by a land users may have implications far beyond the site Return for investments in land management often occur in the medium to long term Land users cannot be expected to pay the total cost of implementing measures to prevent land degradation We need to provide incentives for land users to invest in Sustainable Land Management Practices (SLMPs) …
Incentive and market based mechanisms: Type Examples 1. Public payment schemesPermanent conservation easements Subsidies Co finance investments Contract farmland set-asides 2. Open trading between buyers and sellers under a regulatory cap or floor Tradable development rights Trading of emission reductions 3. Self organized private dealsDirect payments for environmental services 4. Eco-labeling of products and services Marketing labels Certification schemes
Green fund of Trinidad and Tobago Established by the Finance Act % tax on gross sales of companies conducting business in T&T into a Green Fund Fund goes to grants to community groups and organisations engaged in activities to reforest and conserve the environment Fund serves as a mechanism whereby financing for environmental programmes and projects can be sourced 1. Public payment schemes
China – Contract farmland set-aside “Grain for Green” Implemented in areas with land soil erosion and desertification 15 mill farmers received compensation for setting aside their land : 8,216 million hectares of farmland were converted into forest land 1. Public payment schemes
Tanzania – Direct payments for environmental services Watershed services Objective: To decrease soil erosion and overall land degradation in Uluguru region Coca Cola and public water company – willing to pay farmers for implementing SLM practices because it reduces their water treatment costs CARE responsible for training and monitoring 3. Self organized private deals
Zambia – Marketing labels COMACO: Community Markets for Conservation Objective: to improve the situation of poverty and eliminated hunger in the Luangwa Valley whilst conserving environment Poor, food insecure farmers are organized into producer groups, trained in quality, legal and income-generating skills focused on sustainable agriculture Sustainable land use practices qualifies the farmer for conservation dividends that reward the farmer COMACO purchases surplus crops and resells them as processed, value-added, organic products under the special brand IT`S WILD! 4. Eco-labeling of products and services
Factors determining the suitability of incentive & marked based mechanisms The success and feasibility depend upon factors at national and local level One type of mechanism may be a good option in one context but not in another Score card system have been developed by GM and CATIE to select the most suitable mechanisms within the specific country and site context
Factors determining the suitability of marked based mechanisms National/ local contextInstitutional Capacity Governance Macroeconomics Regulatory framework Environmental awareness Site specific contextEcosystem type Environmental capacity (know how) Local capacities Land tenure Economics of SLMPsDemand for SLMPs Supply of SLMPs
Cameroon sudano-sahelian zone results
1 st tier: Co-finance Subsidies Taxes and fees 2 nd tier: Payments for proven investments in land conservation Ecolabeling and certification
Recommendations for implementation of incentive & market based mechanisms Identify appropriate mechanisms for the national and site specific context Ensure enabling conditions (sufficient credit, resources and knowledge, tenure security) Undertake a broad analysis of benefits and costs of land use activities (to decide optimal SLMP and to present solid arguments for those who will pay for the services provided) Identify partners (buyers & sellers of environmental services and facilitators for setting up the appropriate mechanisms).
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