Liam Block 4
2 types simple (sugars) & complex (starches ) Source of Energy Helps Immune system 50% of diet Sources: Sugars:candy, fruit, dairy, etc… Starches: grains, corn, beans, etc…
3 types Unsaturated, Saturated & Trans fat Builds nerve tissue Fuels body Building blocks of hormones 25% of diet Sources: Unsaturated: plant foods, fish, etc… Saturated: meat, animal foods, etc… Trans fat: margarine, baked goods, etc…
2types Complete(Animals) & Incomplete(Plants) Build and repairs tissue Maintains muscle and blood 25% of diet Sources Complete: Beef, Poultry, Fish, Eggs etc... Incomplete: Nuts, Seeds, Beans, etc…
2 types Fat soluble (A,D,E,K) & water soluble (C,B) Strong bones Enhances sight Helps body heal 75mg of vitamin C recommended daily Sources Fat Soluble: Milk, Egg, Pumpkin, liver Water Soluble: Oranges, Strawberries, Broccoli, etc…
2types Macro minerals (Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, etc…) & Trace Minerals (iron, zinc, cobalt, etc…) Helps transmit nerves Maintain normal heartbeat Helps bones develop Transports oxygen Men demand a higher amount of zinc in there diet Sources Macro: Fruit, Dairy, Green Vegetables, etc… Trace: Meat, Tuna, Eggs, Beans, etc…
2 types Soluble (Dissolves in liquid) & Insoluble (Does not dissolve) Helps bowels Helps loose weight Helps prevent diseases About 30g recommended daily Sources Insoluble: Oat Bran, Beans, Fruits & Vegetables,etc… Soluble: Cereals, Brans, Vegetables, etc..
Balances body temperature Transports waste and nutrients Digests food Important to immune system Avoids dehydration About 65% of your body is water Sources: Melons, Tomatoes, Leafy Greens, Oranges, etc…
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