Energy Efficiency Facility - Outline and Status - Dr. Claudia Loy Team Leader Energy, Environment, Agriculture and Transport Europe Division
2 Energy Efficiency Facility - Overview Economic viability of energy efficiency measures Objective: financial support to investments in energy efficiency and energy savings Demand-side orientation Establishment of a suitable fund structure Endowment by bi- and multilateral donors Financing of investments (on a revolving basis) and consultancy services (grants)
3 Energy Efficiency Facility - Tentative Structure Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Project 5 Consultant Donor 1 Energy Efficiency Facility Loans Project Executing Agency 1 Donor 2 Donor 3 Project Executing Agency 2 Refinancing lines Grant funds
4 Energy Efficiency Study – Terms of Reference Eligible countries Phase I: Screening of ex-Yugoslavia except Slovenia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Ukraine Phase II: Selection of 4 priority countries Key Tasks Review of the energy savings potential as well as the relevant environment Definition of short list of countries Identification of feasible project designs (e.g. banks, energy agencies, regional fund, funding mechanisms) Preparation of a long-list of project ideas (ideally pre-feasibility level) Identification of criteria for screening of project ideas Workshops on the findings
5 Energy Efficiency Facility – Status and Time Line Short List: Four firms have been invited to submit bids Time line: 17. April Deadline for the submission of bids June 2003 Start of Phase I August 2003review of results of phase I / selection of countries / clusters of interventions August 2003 Start of Phase II October 2003Workshops Q IV/03 Decision on projects to be pursued Q I/04 Detailed Feasibility – if and where required