DuPage One Stop Services Career Resource Center Access to quality jobs Job Search Resources Career Planning Assistance Unemployment Insurance Job Training Assistance Youth Programs
Parents Alliance Employment Project A partner within the IETC A non-profit agency that matches qualified persons with disabilities to employment opportunities in a wide variety of businesses. Integration and independence
DuPage Pilot Project Workforce Investment Grant “Shared Visions” “Using a team approach to improve the employment experiences of individuals with hidden disabilities”
Community Outreach Developing strong relations and a support network among human service community providers Introduction to the IETC resources and services Maintaining open and effective communication lines Seamless service delivery model
Referral Process Identify customer Perform screening tool Refer to IETC Refer to ORS Initial Interview -Identifying barriers and goals Team approach meeting Review and follow-up
Identifying Support Systems Basic Needs –Clothing, food, childcare, transportation Disability Assistance –Assisted living, adaptive technology Counseling Services –Psychological assessment Employment related services –Vocational assessments, job developing, coaching Education –Literacy training, college information, GED Preparation
Aimstar Services Strengths and weaknesses determined in initial assessment Individualized program developed toward weaknesses Built on mastery of core skills Fluency and measurement
IETC Staff Disability Awareness Training Introduction to grant Presentation and review of screening tools Referral process review Mental health and learning disability training workshops
Screening Tool Tool to assist counselors in cases of suspected hidden disability Informal assessment for learning and/or mental health disability Questionnaire includes verbal interaction and observation
Measurement Outcome Designed to track referrals and progress of the project –# of customers referred to the project –# of customers determined eligible for services –# of eligible customers agreed to participate –Customer referred to Office of Rehabilitation Services –Perform initial interview –Identify barriers/goals –Develop team –Identify and utilize resources –Become employed –Retain job for 3 months
Developing Best Practices Measuring and assessing the impact of the project -Role of steering committee -Role of partners/community based organizations