“Phoenix 2010 – Project Development Clinic” “Phoenix 2010 – Project Development Clinic” Copenhagen – 16/ Colm Mc Colgan - General Manager Project: Improve Knowledge Economy Investment & Innovation in Northern Periphery Regions”
European Regions Network for the Application of Communications Technology City, region and local authorities Project Driven Next Generation Networks E-public services
European Information Technology Projects Currently managing 3 international ICT projects With budgets of € 5 million With 15 European Regions Innovation Mobile Applications for tourism public services, transport e-procurement customer relationship management
Project Aim increase smart economy job creation and investment within the Northern Periphery By networking the area’s innovation, research and business assets to improve participation in global high technology marketplaces
Typical Regional Innovation Cluster
Project Objectives Develop a transnational innovation service to support the creation and operation of business opportunity networks between companies, innovation and research centres in different regions across the Northern Periphery Use the service to develop concrete research, technology transfer and business partnering linkages/clusters involving small companies, research centres and the 3rd level in the Northern Periphery. Test the efficacy of the service (objective1) and the approach (objective 2) for developing technology linkages with innovation assets and business clusters in regions external to the project and the Northern Periphery.
Single Service – 2 Parts Transnational Innovation Networking Support Service Knowledge Base Jointly design, develop and operate Innovation Support Extend Traditional Single-Region Innovation Support
Interactive Knowledge Base Knowledge Economy Assets Technology Parks 3 rd level Broadband Innovation centres Research clusters Technology companies Use by innovation actors across regions to: Describe and communicate innovation assets of own region Find synergies with other regions Support innovation, investment & partnering Look for research, innovation & product opportunities Establish collaboration workspaces Plan joint strategic innovation initiatives with other regions
Derry – Knowledge Hub
Transnational Innovation Support Adopt & Extend traditional single- region supports for innovation to transnational basis Network with innovation partners in other regions to find suitable opportunities (research collaboration; company technology exchange, marketing opportunities Profiling of companies products, skills and technologies in other regions Working with innovation partners in other regions to search for suitable partners and to support conclusion of agreements Providing advice on intellectual property, taxation, company formation, etc. Advice on financial supports available in other regions in NPP
Features of the Service Targeted at small smart economy companies Provided by existing Innovation Support Centres/Services Branded as a Northern Periphery Innovation Service Extendable to other NP regions outside the project partnership Networked Model service – decentralised/low overhead 1.New type of transnational innovation service where 2.Small smart economy companies can work with innovation actors across a group of regions to 3.Promote their skills, technologies, products and services to a much wider range of potential partners.
Project Structure Smart Economy Job Creation & Investment WP1 Management and Communication Objective 1 Develop a transnational innovation service WP2 Build Innovation Service Objective 2 Create Smart Economy Linkages & Clusters WP3 Use Service Objective 3 Develop external linkages WP4 Expand Service
Workpackage 2 Smart Economy Job Creation & Investment Objective 1 Develop a transnational innovation service WP2 Build Innovation Service Agree Innovation Audit Method Complete AuditDesign SystemDevelop SystemTest & PilotDeploy Objective 2 Create Smart Economy Linkages & Clusters Objective 3 Develop external linkages
Workpackage 3 Smart Economy Job Creation & Investment Objective 1 Develop a transnational innovation service Objective 2 Create Smart Economy Linkages & Clusters WP3 Use Service Identify Transnational Opportunities Regional Workshops Transnational Exchange Facilitation Sustain Exchange Objective 3 Develop external linkages
Workpackage 4 Smart Economy Job Creation & Investment Objective 1 Develop a transnational innovation service Objective 2 Create Smart Economy Linkages & Clusters Objective 3 Develop external linkages WP4 Expand Service Other NP Regions Global Innovation Poles
Expected Results Dimension More Impacts Smart Economy Jobs Spinout, Startup INTRA Northern Periphery Business relationships between small companies Research relationships between 3 rd level/research institutes EXTERNAL Business relationships between small companies Research relationships between 3 rd level/research institutes Strategic Innovation relationships between regions
Contact information Colm Mc Colgan ERNACT EEIG Unit 150, Colab LYIT, Port Road, Letterkenny Co. Donegal Ireland Co. Donegal Ireland