Livestock Terms and Breeds


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Presentation transcript:

Livestock Terms and Breeds

Beef Facts 9 month Gestation Castration, branding, vaccinations Range operations, common in NV Public land operations Cow calf, yearling, stockyards/feeder Ruminant – multi chambered stomach Chew their cud Feed must have roughages and concentrates



Angus Originated in Scotland Black Naturally Polled High Quality Carcass Early Maturity Good Maternally Certified Angus Beef

Hereford Originated in Hereford, England Polled or horned Good temperament Red, White face, legs, underline Early Maturing Low milk production

Shorthorn Originated in England Red, White, Roan Polled/Horned Dual purpose breed Good milk and meat production

Charolais Originated in France White Long bodied, large cattle Heavy muscling Fast growth Horned/Polled Course looking

Simmental Originated in Switzerland Oldest breed of cattle in the world Large, powerful Red, White, Yellow, Black, Brown Polled/Horned

Gelbvieh Originated in Germany Golden, Brown Superior mothering and milking ability Work Oxen : 4-5 year old Steers used for work Tend to be fleshy under the brisket

Brahman Originated in India Able to survive on very poor, little feed Heat, insect Tolerant Excess skin and large hump White/grey in color

Brangus Black Polled 3/8 Brahman 5/8 Angus Popular in arid regions (Texas, U.S. southwest)